Chapter 17: I should have known

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"I'm heading back to my place." Said Celest looking for the quickest route. "See you-"

"Wait!" You grabbed onto her before she could leave. "Are you okay? You seemed a bit tense back there." You asked, worried about your friend.

Celest relaxed in your grasp. "I'm...sorry about that, it's just, stress ya know?" You weren't completely convinced. There was still something that seemed off.

"Yeah, well, when you get home, send me a message so I know you're okay." You reached out to give her a hug, to which she gladly returned.

"Of course. You take care too. See you later." She showed you a soft smile then was off again.

You took a deep breath and rushed off back to your apartment.

Thankfully you didn't run into any problems and the first thing you did was turn on the TV. You flipped through the channels, most of them showing only static.

"Come on, come on..." You felt blind, not knowing what was going on, but finally, there was a news channel still going on, the signal was a little off but this was as good as it was going to get.


"I'll only say this once, surrender and no one else has to get hurt." Deku tried to reason even though he knew that after all this he wouldn't give up.

He scoffed in response. "Too late for that don't ya think?"

"Just give it up Gray Zone." Uravity spoke up, taking a shot in the dark about his identity.

"Well, would you look at that? Smart and beautiful? If only you weren't on the other side." Without warning, Gray Zone lunged forward ready to land the first hit.

Deku stood in front of Uravity to take whatever was coming at them since he still didn't know what his quirk was.

Just as he was about to get close enough he fell through the floor.

"What the?" Deku and Uravity looked around, slightly in panic.

"Does he have a quirk similar to Mirio's?" The brunette asked.

"I'm not sure, but keep your guard up."

" Aw, but you've gotta be quicker than that." He appeared from behind and pushed them on the ground with greater force than they expected.

As soon as he came he disappeared through the concrete floor. Smashing the ground from underneath creating a shallow ditch, separating the bystanders' escape from the docks. "Looks like you all will be here for a little longer." He reappeared back facing them, and dusting his hands off, a knowing smirk crawled to his lips, "Now, where were we?"

Gone again from sight.

Deku and Uravity had seen enough to get a pretty good idea of his quirk by then. "Get ready." Deku prepared.

And just as predicted.

He appeared from behind them ready to deliver another blow, but the heroes were prepared.

The pair sprinted skywards. "What-?" Mid-flight they were dragged back down, slamming to the ground with a sickening crack.

"Come on! I'm not even breaking a sweat here!" The villain boasted only angering the duo even further.

Deku was on the case in a split second, finally catching the villain off guard. He was back in the air in seconds with a charged punch. "Villains like you should be taught a lesson!" Deku swung his fist making his opponent barely get the chance to dodge.

"Hey, just like the little lady said before, the names Gray Zone." It looked like Deku was finally getting him to show his true colors. "And the same should go for you!" He shot what seemed like black strings from his hand which surprised our main hero.

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