Chapter 20: Get her

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"Eijiro, don't do this..." Deku spoke softly towards the beaten up hero who was reluctant to give up the pointless fight. "You don't need to do this," He stood up effortlessly, showing the difference in strengths.

Everything just seemed so odd, so confusing. After fighting for what seemed like hours, the hero Red Riot wouldn't speak nor explain his actions.

"Talk to me, please." And just as he was about to raise his fist, he fell to the ground with a thud. Deku was quick to his side, feeling terrible about having to hurt his friend, but it was the only thing he could do to protect everyone from his destructive rampage.

"Huh?" Red Riot finally spoke up. "What am I doing here?" He asked looking around not understanding what was going on.

"You really don't remember what happened?" Deku helped him stand on his feet.

"Deku? What? No, I don't, I was heading back home when all of a sudden everything went black, and then I appeared here." He rubbed his neck and dusted himself off.

"Looks like everything is finally under control!" Mika the reporter beamed as she signaled the helicopter to go down.

They landed not too far from the heroes and instantly she was at their sides. And just as she was about to ask a million questions, Red Riot remembered something, making his eyes go wide.

"The news..." He muttered.

"Huh?" Deku leaned in to hear him clearly.

"'The news', I heard someone say that before everything went black."

"Mika, we're offline." The cameraman started catching everyone's attention.

"What?? How come? What bigger news could they be broadcasting than this??" the cameraman went back to the chopper and got a hold of his laptop. Searching through the news there was only one thing broadcasting at the moment.

"This is definitely bigger news." Mika, Red Riot and Deku all directed their attention to the screen.

"But she's not just some random stranger we picked up from the streets. One of our heroes is bound to know who this is!" Zakai yanked your hair and brought you to the front of the camera.

Deku's eyes went wide, his blood running cold


You had your eyes covered as well as your mouth, you struggled to get out of his grasp.

You struggled to speak, your mouth was moving but nothing was coming out. "Well, we've had to take some precautions with this little lady because of her quirk," Zakai started putting on earplugs.

"And now that I have your attention, especially you heroes, I'm going to make this very simple, I speak on behalf of GrayZone, we don't want money, nor  fame, what we want is your title stripped away from you, all of you heroes! Here we live in a world where the stronger are on top, well let's all start from Zero, don't you think that's fair?" He couldn't help but let out a chuckle just out of pure excitement.

"This guy's insane." Mika murmured as she continued to watch.

"Come on number one, what do you say? You and me duke it out for first place? It'll be fun! And as an added bonus, the winner gets this pretty lady." He lifts you up and places a kiss on your cheek, only making Dekus blood boil even further. "So now that I've got what I want out in the open, why don't we have a few cries from our prize?" He took a hold of your hair again and brought your face close to his. "I'll be nice and give you a few moments to cry for help." He tore off the cloth around your eyes and then tossed you to the ground. Zakai put on some earplugs along with Amplifa who was in the background. You groaned in pain and struggled to sit. Once you opened your eyes, you noticed she was talking to a camera.

This was your chance.

You knew this would come, and this is exactly why you acted so weak, so they would think you wouldn't try to pull anything. You looked directly at the camera, wiped away the fake tears and you took a deep breath.

"To all the heroes of Japan, especially you Deku!" You began. Everyone watching the broadcast was on the edge of their seat, they were waiting to hear your cries of help, it was to be expected but you showed the exact opposite as your eyes showed determination as you spoke.

"FORGET ABOUT ME." You said loud and clear. Everyone was frozen in place, Deku was speechless.

"Don't worry about me, saving a city is more important than my life, please DO NOT HESITATE to leave me. These villains don't have a hostage, they only have empty words and no leverage. Do whatever is needed to save us all-" You were stopped when Zakai put the strip of cloth back on your mouth.

"That's enough," He let Amplifa take you away and now he was the only person left on the screen. "As I mentioned before, let's battle this out or she'll be one of our first victims." And with that, the transmission ended, going back to the regular news channel.

"Are we live?" Mika looked towards her cameraman. He nodded and they decided to walkways away to get a better angle of the disaster that was caused earlier. She composed herself and then directed her gaze back to the camera "Alright, you all heard it here, the Villain..."

"He-Hey Izuku..." Eijiro stuttered seeing how enraged he was. He reached out to grab his arm before he could leave to probably go out and find you. He spoke up in a serious tone. "Don't let your emotions get to you. I know this seems bad but you going out on the streets looking for her isn't going to help anyone."

He knew his friend was right and he hated that. The only thing that was running through his mind at the moment was that he shouldn't have ever let you go.

"We'll get this solved as soon as possible, for now, there's nothing we can do."

And it was from there on out that everything Deku did, no, that Izuku did, was going to be carefully calculated to make sure that you would survive this without a single scratch.

The next few days Deku was getting any and all intel needed on the enemy to take him down, and after being patient as hell, there was finally a moment where he thought that it was time to react.

"Have someone get the word out to that villain that I'm not taking no as an answer," Deku cracked his knuckles. "We're settling this now."


"Isn't that sweet?" Amplifa said as she swung her feet as a child would. "Broccoli boy is desperately looking for you, even after your dramatic message!" She hopped off her metal chair hearing it slightly scrape the floor.

You rolled your eyes and tried to look away as much as you could even though you were still tied to a chair.

"Still being silent are we?" She lifted her fist and you knew what was to come so you shut your eyes tight. You tried your best to muffle your cries as she kept striking the same spot relentlessly; tasting that oh so familiar iron flavor in your mouth.

"Hey," It was a different voice this time which caught your attention. "Don't hurt the hostage."

Your expression changed completely once you laid your eyes on Gray Zone.

"Why the hell are you here?" You spat, venom lacing each of your words.

"I wanted to take you to a better place, come on now, I'm not all bad." He let out a chuckle. "I want you to have a good seat to watch how I beat the number one to a pulp." His smirk grew wide which sickened you.

"Sure, you keep thinking that." You leaned back on the chair nonchalantly knowing that that would get on his nerves.

"Get her in the car." You tensed up and you were alert, of course up until Amplifa came up to you with a soaked cloth at hand making you get knocked out instantly.

~ Celestial-red & MMSpaMEM ~

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