Chapter 7: You two

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"See you tomorrow Celest!" You called out as you watched her leave, the doorbell ringing behind her.

About a week has gone by and it became pretty usual to have Izuku passing by the Cafe every once in a while to get a snack before work or something to eat for the night.

You thought it was nice having him around and it changed things up for you. Although you two wouldn't actually get to talk, just saying hi was enough to get you two smiling.

It was another regular day and it was your turn to close the shop. You gather your things and headed for the door, locking it once it closed behind you.

As you walked down the empty street you noticed that it started to drizzle.

I should hurry...

You thought as you jogged towards the bus stop. It was calm as usual since it was late at night and you were able to get a seat. As you get closer to your stop you noticed it was starting to pour.

Aw man...

You got off and used your bag as cover. You rushed down the sidewalk wanting to get out of the cold rain as soon as possible. You weren't too far but what definitely slowed you down was tripping on who knows what.

Ah crap! You groaned in pain and noticed your knees got scraped. "Just great." You complained to yourself as you slowly got up.

"You took quite the fall there little lady." A deep voice said all of a sudden coming from an empty ally way that screamed danger.

You didn't answer and kept making your way home, acting as if you never saw him. "Come on honey I ain't gonna hurt you." He said with a chuckle. You could hear his footsteps coming closer and apparently this guy had a friend.

"Why don't we have some fun?" He asked. You turned a random corner and make a run for it but you were shocked to see them in front of you.

"Where ya going little lady?" The first guy asked and grabbed you roughly by your right arm followed by the other guy grabbing your left.

"What do you say we go somewhere nice?" You were about to speak up but you couldn't, you were paralyzed.

"What's wrong? Cat got your tongue?" The two brutes laughed as they started taking you away.

I don't have time for this!

You were getting pissed off that they underestimated you. You started humming a lullaby and noticed how their movements were getting a bit sluggish, making the paralyzing quirk slowly go away.

"What the hell do you..." And then they were out, falling to the ground with a thud. You huffed in anger and gave the first guy a good kick to the gut before leaving.

You finally made it to your apartment building wet and angry. "On top of the fact that it's raining, and it's cold and I tripped!" You walked up the last flight of stairs and threw your bag down your hall towards the door.

"The nerve of those idiots trying to-! Izuku?" You stopped mid-rant when you noticed he was waiting at your door, plastic bag at hand, stepping aside from where you threw your wet bag.

"Um... Is this a bad time?" He asked sort of embarrassed as he scratched the back of his head.

"Oh, um, no, come on in." You walked over to your door and jammed your keys into the lock. Finally home, sweet home.

"Can you wait for me on the couch while I wash up, get into some warm clothes and tend to the scrapes on my knees?"

"Sure thing. And if you need help just ask." He offered. You lifted an eyebrow, your cheeks turning a slight pink. Izuku realized what he said had a double meaning so his face started to get red. "I mean help with your wound! You know cleaning it and bandaging it up!" You covered your mouth to stifle the laugh that was trying to break though.

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