Day 28 - Falling in Love

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Tamaki sighed, looking at Mirio across the room. They were studying together, at Mirio's of course, as they always did.
They were about finishing up and Tamaki was feeling the deep sorrow he always felt. Why? He didn't know.
He knew that he would see Mirio the next day at school. But now it felt like he'd never see him again.
It felt like he missed an opportunity that would only come once.
But he really couldn't identify what it was, what that longing was, what this need was.

Maybe it was because of how Tamaki thought of himself.
He didn't think he deserved Mirio and therefore was scared he'd loose the guy at any point now. He was absolutely terrified of Mirio realizing that he deserved better, that he didnt need Tamaki in his life anymore, that there was better in the world and that Tamaki was holding him back.
That, that was it!
That was why Tamaki desired to stay with him so long and try and get as close ad he could. He didn't want to ever leave Mirio.
Mirio had quickly become everything in Tamaki's life. He needed him. He depended on him. He didn't want to loose him — he couldn't.
But that wasn't healthy and Tamaki knew it.
But he didn't have anyone else, he couldn't depend on anyone else.

Said boy jumped, blinking and looking up. “Huh?”
The blond in a bun snickered, “You were staring at me.”
Tamaki's face flushed and he looked down, shoving papers into his bag. “I-I'm sorry! I didn't meant to, I-I spaced out and you were just there I'm sorry I-”
He was cut off by the prominent and amazing sound of Mirio's laughter. The embarassed pink suddenly changed into one that came right from that laughter... What was the word.
No, that's not it.
But damn did that kid make his heart skip. “Hahah! Don't gotta apologize or defend yourself.”
Mirio messed up his hair. “You're fine. Don't even worry about it, it's not that bigga deal.”
No big deal, that was funny coming from that statement.
With anyone else, it would have been an overreaction on its own, three sentences of an 'It's okay.' But with Tamaki, you needed all the reassurance you could get to really make him get that you mean what you're saying. You gotta hit all the points he's worrying about.
And Tamaki knew this, but he also knew it was the only way to keep things from worrying him and he hated that, he hated that no matter what he did, he couldn't stop it. His anxiety was something you just couldn't ignore.
Why did Mirio put in that effort?
Man, he was such a good friend. He did so much he didn't need to and if you thought Tamaki wasn't greatful you were crazy, he just didn't think that he deserved that at the same time as not knowing how to express that gratitude.
Mirio didn't deserve having to do that and Tamaki didn't do enough to deserve someone doing it for him.
He couldn't ask for anything more and found himself staring again.
On that note, what had he done to deserve someone like Mirio in his life? He-
Oh shit.
Tamaki, in that moment, realized he'd had a crush on the guy for who knows how long.
That's what these feelings were? God, how dumb did he have to be to not realize that sooner?

“If you wanna stay a little longer you can just say.” Mirio said, tapping his friend's shoulder.
“Uh.. Yeah, yes please.” Tamaki put his head down, trying to hide how pink it was. He didn't want to leave Mirio even more now.
Mirio nodded and started downstairs, calling for his father, and Tamaki sat there and debated.
This would go away, right? They're frineds. It's just something dumb that'll go away soon.

Damn, was he wrong.

Kajfowjdjwkjslkdkskfnnd Thank you guys so much!! We're almost at 2k reads!!
Please go back and read a few of the chapters, specifically Day 7, as I've added things. Love ya!

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