Day 7 - Death of Someone Close

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You guys haven't had enough suffering yet. You thought I was gonna let y'all off easy bcos I like this ship? Don't make me laugh.
I love fluff just as much as I love other people's suffering!

“It's... Gonna be okay, darling.” Mirio squeezed Tamaki's hand, trying to keep himself from shaking. That wouldnt help. That wouldnt make the indigoette feel better, if he showed how scared he was.

The heros were completely off duty, not even patrolling, just enjoying a day to themselves.
Neither expected something of this magnitude to happen, and as a result, they weren't in a good place to try and fight back.
Tamaki was always worried about being on guard, so he'd had a good breakfast for this, but the only thing he could really use were his clams and you can guess how that turned out.
Mirio was able to hold his own until another pro showed up, and right then, when they all were distracted, Tamaki was struck in the side with a large blade that rendered him pinned to the ground.
It wad a lot worse than they thought at first, until it revealed a fucking lot internal bleeding from that lacreation.
No one with sufficient medical equipment was around and so they'd have to wait for an ambulance before anything could actually be done to help.

Tamaki squeezed his hand, taking some deep breaths and trying not to imagine that this would be on the news and countless people's gallarys on their phones. It wasn't working.
He was having a panic attack at the same time as being in pain. Great. That's a nice thing.
He could tell Mirio got closer to his face even though his eyes were closed.  “Mirio..” he whimpered, leaning his head up. He got a small kiss on the nose.
“I know, I know, it's gonna be okay, alright? You're gonna be okay.”
Tamaki wasn't so sure he believed him. He couldn't see out of his peripherals when he did open his eyes, and it was getting worse, the blaackness was closing in and it was very hard to keep his eyes open.
Was he going to be okay?
As much as he wanted to think Mirio was telling the truth, a lot told him he was not going to be alright.

He felt sleep creeping up behind his eyes and would have succumbed to it if Mirio hadn't suddenly screamed his name and shook him.
He forced his eyes open, facing his head toward his fiance, confused and scared.
Mirio bent down and squeezed his hand, planting some kisses on his face. “Don't.. Let go of my hand like that.” he spoke, swallowing and trying to force a smile. “You scared me, hahah...”
Tamaki murmured an apology, taking a breath and realizing it was hurting to breathe. He coughed slightly and had a feeling that what he spat out was not saliva. Definetly not.

Mirio felt tears in his eyes. Just get here already, hospital people, why can't they?
He knew that it would hurt even more to keep that blade inside Tamaki, but
it'd speed up the bleeding if he pulled it out more than it'd already due to breathing and shifting, and getting it out of the ground to Tamaki could move.
He kept on leaving kisses on Tamaki's face and neck, trying to calm him down, trying to show him that it was okay and trying to distract him from the pain. He was whispering things aswell, trying to achieve the same effect.
Mirio.. Had a really, really hard time convincing even himself that ird be okay. His mind raced and played out scenarios he didn't want to ever imagine.
Why could he see it so clearly? He couldn't imagin-
“Tamaki!!” He shouted, feeling the pressure start to slip off his hand. “Don't-”
Tamaki opened his eyes weakly and glanced up at hin, Making a humming sound of acknowledgement.
“Keep squeezing my hand, don't- don't do anything else but breathe.” Mirio whispered, and his heart clenched at seeing the indigoette's eyes close, yet his hand was squeezed.

It felt like hours, but it'd only been minutes.
The second the Mirio could hear the sound of the ambulance, he slipped his arms underneath Tamaki's knees and his torso, liftting him up.
Tamaki let out the most gut-wrenching, heart shattering whimper-groan of pain, and that sound was enough to make the blond's tears fall.
He didn't care that the ambulance people had things for this, no, he was going to meet that truck half-way. He didn't have a chance to wait. Hopefully the way he was holding Tamaki didn't do much.

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