Day 30 - Pillow Talk

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”Go to sleeeeep, Tamikiiii.” Mirio whined, looking over at Tamaki, who was sketching something in his notebook.
He got his hair messed up for that one,  “Go to sleeeeep, Miiiriiiiii” He teased, right back.
“Easy for you to say.. I'm tired n I'm not sleepy.”
Tamaki broke a smile, looking over. Indigo eyes met blue, and he sighed gently, putting the notebook down and getting comfortable. “You think if you have another one, you'll be sleepier?”
Mirio hummed gently, scooching up and snuggling. “I don't think so...” he murmured, and Tamaki sighed, gently patting his head a few times.
“I'll stay awake to keep you company as long as I can, alright?”
“Noooo, Tamiii, don't let me keep you awake, you need your rest.”

Mirio had a hard time getting to sleep most days.
Both boys knew he had insomnia, and he did have medicine for it. He took one, maybe two, every night and that was thar. He usually was able to fall asleep.
Of course, there were those not-as-rare-as-he'd-wish days where he felt all tired and looked and acted drunk, laughing maniacally at literally everything he saw, but he couldn't get to sleep.
Tamaki knew there wasn't anything he could do about it, and so he didn't get angry or upset, not even annoyed. He'd stick close and maybe say some silly things to get him giggling.

On rare occasions, Mirio would remember what happened the last time he was like this during, and he would start laughing randomly about something Tamaki said last time, but didn't hint at at all this time.
One prominent example was Tamaki's absolutely brilliant, the most superb joke of 'why did the chicken cross the road?' And when Mirio started giggling without prompt in the middle of the daytime nap, and Tamaki asked him about it, he wheezed out ‘I'm still thinkin' about the chicken!’ then start laughing.
Mirio was just adorable like that.
Tamaki wished he realized it more often, but he wasn't going to complain about it.

If anyone knows where that chicken joke is from please let me know

The penultimate chapter! I wanna thank you guys for getting this to 2k and sticking with me for so long!! This is not the last you'll see of my Miritama content, definetly not. I have a oneshot book where I post, well, oneshots, and maybe a couple mini series' I can't turn into books.
You'll definetly see some more Miritama in there, as well as their gaybey (it's a second gen character) Tami!
Love you guys! Huggles!

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