Day 12 - Movie Night

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Mirio stepped back, proud of his work.
With safety pins, paperclips, bobby pins and healthy amounts of blankets and pillows, he'd made one of the best pillow forts for a movie night in a while!!
This was beautiful and cozy and there was plenty of room for them and the snacks and drinks!
“Tamaki!” he knew it took longer to make everything than it did to build the fort, especially alone, but it was the indigoette's turn to pick the movie and... That didn't sound very good.
He'd been complaining recently about all the jump scares and special effects in recent horror films, so instead of him picking a ganre and them deciding and agreeing on a film to watch, Tamaki had brought in a DVD for them to toss in and olay. To show Mirio what 'real horror is supposed to be like' and 'why the director almost got charged for murder because it was so realistic for it's time.' And why 'the older films are so much better' because it was from like 1980 or something.
“I can open it if you give me the CD!” Mirio walked over to their kitchenette. Or, what they called a kitchenette. It was a small kitchen, but it didn't really qualify as a kitchenette. Neither cared.

Tamaki looked at him, pouting a little. He was in the middle of shaking up some light blue drink that looked like it was alcohol even though neither drank.
“I want it to be a surprise.”he answered firmly, and while dissapointed, Mirio was a little happy he had spoken about that at all. Usually hedve just shut up and given the CD, but he was making progress and that made the blond smile.
“Alright, hurry up then!” he teased. “'m gettin' ansy-”
He caught the sealed popcorn bag before it hit his face.
“Don't eat em all, that's all the popcorn we got. I'm almost done.” Tamaki turned back, and Mirio sighed slightly, snickering a little.
He opened it and walked back to their fort, crawling in, enjoying his popcorn. Tamaki barely ate it, anyway, he liked chocolate.
But, he also knew that Mirio'd snack on it in the first 20 minutes and finish, and if he started before it started, he'd not even ger to the movie.

A few moments later, the indigoette traveled to their fort, snacks and drinks in his hands, with a tentacle or two helping him out.
He put the movie in, then took his seat, smiling as Mirio leaned onto and cuddled him. “Close your eyes.” he said, getting the remote and starting the movie. “I want it to be a surprise.”

Y'all gotta try n guess what the movie is.
No googling aloud!
I'm gonna be so happy if people know this-

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