Day 9 - Cuddling

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It was a really gloomy day. It was raining and the dark clouds covered all the blue of the sky and the sun wasn't able to shine through.
Neither used to like these days.
Mirio didn't like the aura he got when looking outside; everything was such a melancholic color and he didn't like it.
Tamaki was reminded of a whole hell of a lot of things when he looked outside, and just got him into a sad mood. That sad mood got him thinking about sad things and before he knew it, he was having a panic attack.

But that was in the past.
Or, at least, when they weren't together now.
They both liked these days when they could be together.
They could sit, cuddle, watch movies, play games, anything. Just rainy dau things, as you could have guessed.
Mirio's personal favorite of these was to cuddle and watch some comedy movies. They'd watch Tamaki's favorites sometimes, but.. Mirio wasn't good with horror at all.
Mirio would pull Tamaki to his chest — whether they were laying or sitting — and nuzzle his face into his hair.
Tamaki's hair always smelled good.

Tamaki really liked reading and/or sketching, sometimes drawing Mirio and sometimes just drawing something he saw on TV.
He'd usually lean against Mirio, since they both seemed touch starved all the time even if they always were cuddling and holding hands.
Sometimes both of them would sleep in for a while, or stay up that night and not sleep, it was always a real nice time.

Neither of them didn't like these gloomy days anymore.

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