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How was I going to tell George I was pregnant? I sat on the edge of the bath tub. Running the whole incident through my head. I heard George knock on the door. "What does it say?" He asked.

"I'm going to do another one just to be sure." I shouted back through the door. I took another one, and left it for longer this time. It came out positive again. I needed to speak to Lizzy. She's the only one who would understand. I decided to lie to George. Just until I can get my head cleared anyway. "I'm not pregnant babe." I shouted.

"Thats great!" He echoed back. The disappointment in his voice made me feel even more guilt. I texted Lizzy, telling her to meet me at the park down the road. I got dressed and headed out the door without saying bye to George. I couldn't help but feel guilty that I lied to the person I loved most.

I got to the park to see Lizzy on the swings, her eyes red round the edges. "Have you been crying?" I asked her. She nodded her head and came over to me, buried her head in my shoulder and began crying. "What's up?" my voice shaky. Lizzy never cries, and when she does, it's always something serious.

"Charlotte, there's something I need to tell you..." she started, "I think I'm pregnant". She started crying harder into my shoulder.

"What? How? I don't mean literally how, but what?" I looked at her confused. She explained what happened after her and Josh met. "Lizzy, I think I'm pregnant to!" She looked up at me and smiled. She knew that I've always wanted kids, but when I was younger, I was told I couldn't have them.

"That's great!" She cried. "That makes me feel loads better."

"Have you told Josh?" I asked.

"No, not yet. You told George?"

"Nope, I lied and told him I wasn't."

"We will go back and tell them together, okay?" She asked. I nodded as we started heading back to the hotel. We walked in to my hotel room to find Josh and George sat on the couch. "Josh. George. Me and Charlotte need to tell you something." You could hear the fear in Lizzy's voice as she spoke.

"We already know..." Josh said.

"I can't believe I'm going to be a dad." George stated. He looked so exited. "Our own little family." He stood up and placed his lips on mine. I began looking forward to what the future may bring.

Just A Kiss: A George Shelley FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now