Chapter 1- Then it started

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I made my way down the now crowded hall students and friends all smiling and joking, The loud buzzing noise ringing throughout my ear as Nexhin's words echoed through my mind "I Killed Mel.." my head spinning as the voice continued repeating the quote. Everything came hitting me all at once. I ran into the bathroom locking myself in the stall where I sat down covering my ears and screaming into my book bag, I sat there for near hours of the school day pure anger coursing into my veins. Not to far after getting myself together I stormed out towards Nexhin's locker this was going to end here, The punishment for what was going to happen next wasnt on my mind but screw it I was going to get my payback. Trying to find Nexhin I saw Sasha along the way I had to tell her who she was with, what he was.. I walked pass ahead grabbing onto her arm Sasha in a confused like state as I pulled her aside.

"Hey.. What's going on Sasha?" Her friend said stopping as kids began passing by.

"We need to talk.." I looked at Sasha her face still confused but interested in what I had to say turned to her friend "go on I'll catch up." She waved and her friend began walking.

"What's up you good?" She began questioning I had started speaking my voice loud but then lowering to a soft tone "You need to get the hell away from Nexhin!" I looked right then left the hall way was beginning to clear up now less kids there.

"What? Why??" She said

"Nexhin hes with a group he's - HES KILLING PEOPLE HES THE GUY INVOLVED WITH THE BUS AT-" Sasha turned me slamming me up against the lockers her eyes in a panic of shock as she gripped onto my shirt. "Shhhhh!! Pipe down!" She scanned around her I squinted slowly letting out "you ...already know.." I froze my spine sending chills.

"Yes I know but it's not what you think it's for a good cost.."

"A GOOD COST?! HE KILLED MEL!" I shouted she pulled me forward then slammed me further back down onto the locker. "Shut the fuck up!" She mumbled

"He's not getting away with it I hope you know that.." I uttered

"What are you gonna do huh? You tell on him you think you're gonna get Scott free?...he had no choice to kill killer-x it was his only way out of the Dragons.. but I'll tell you this he's still more of a hero then you'll ever be you pathetic waste of even think about doing something like rating him out or getting police involved..I'll make you regret it.." she let go giving me the dirtiest look and walking away into the now empty hallway . I finished my school day and went to HQ I ran inside leaning against the table and trying to breathe, The quote continued running through my mind again soon I got frustrated and used my arm wiping across the table and throwing everything on it onto the ground. I stood up giving one last good scream into the air as I gave out sitting on Kats chair, Kat walked in "you texted me? What's wrong jio?"

"It wasn't him.." I turned around using the chair.

"What? Who code?!"


"Whoah Jio calm down what are you talking about!?"

"Remember the prison bus... the guy ..THATS HIM HES A DRAGON!"

"What the hell how do you know!?"

"Cause he just stood in my face and told me Kat ... HE JUST ADMITTED TO ME KAT!"

"Wait what who is it??" Her face shocked.

"Nexhin... it's Nexhin He Killed Mel.. and he knows who I am...." I stoped as Kat looked down her eyes realizing the mass horror. I stood there as Kat forced out "But isn't Nexhin a little young to be in the dragons!?"

Killer-X: Gang WarsWhere stories live. Discover now