Chapter 15- Awaken

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My eyes shot open I quickly scanned around the room viewing Emily and Kat Both working around the HQ, Emily looked at me her eyes open as she turned motioning Kat "He's awake!" Kat instantly turned running over I slowly sat up my stomach and back killing me so tense but yet so sore. Kat nearly bodied me off the bed with a hug "DONT you ever do something so stupid like that again you hear me!? NEVER!" Her grip tightened I softly placed my arms around her as well as exhaling air from my already tightened chest. "How long have I been out for?" I asked lightly my voice weak as I finally noticed my right eye was covered in bandages along with half my head and face. Kat pulled away wiping tears from her face a mixture of anger, tears of joy and excitement "really?" She let out.


"That's the first thing you say? How long I've been out dude? You just survived an attempt of murder and you just ask how long I've been out? Not I'm grateful I'm alive? Just that.."

"I'm glad I'm alive Kat...but it's not over.."

"Are you seriously thinking about going after Nexhin again?"

"He's out there Kat .."

"No you're done Jio a fractured leg, ribs were broken, 3rd-degree burns on both hands .. and stitched stab wounds, head trauma, and god knows what else Jio you've been out in a coma for a whole week No you're letting the cops deal with this freak of nature."

"Kat they won't catch him..."

"They will when I give them a name."

"You do that Kat and this whole place this whole operation headquarters have gone IM GOING TO JAIL OR WORST and you and everyone else involved such as Emily are going down with aiding...Killer X will handle it."

"I highly doubt it, cops can't arrest a ghost Jio."


"Killed X is dead!" Kat turned around turning on the screen to the Tv all over the news KillerX dead... I sat up in shock as they continued talking along with a phone recorded video of Zero throwing Killer X off the ledge. Kat turned to me as I sighed "it's police problem now.."

"It's not... their problem Kat it's mine... I gotta end This let me take him.."

"Jio you cant fight him..."

"Let me try!"

"And what happens when you Die trying what when he finishes the job!?"

"What's gonna happen if I don't...WHATS gonna happen, Kat, if I hide..."

"Kat he's right...Nexhins getting out of hand..police won't stop him." Emily chimed in I threw my hands in the air "thank you!" I shouted Emily turned to me pointing "calm it there Rambo I'm not on your side either..let someone like Orthrus stop him."

"Oh please Dog boy ain't stopping him soon."

"Mels uh not gonna do it.."

"What why?"

"He's knee-deep in his own shit let's just say you weren't the only one taking a Major L." Emily shrugged I looked at Kat who gave a Slightly defeated Nod confirming Emily's information, "Then It's settled I'm doing it no and, ifs or Buts." I folded my arms as I tried standing my leg gave into immense pain as I yelped in agony quickly catching myself on the table.
"Jesus.." Kat threw my arm around her shoulders helping me back up.

"I can train him..." Emily spoke I looked back as well as Kat "huh?" Kat had said confused helping me sit down on the table. "You wanna beat a dragon?" Emily glared at me I slowly nodded she moved closer inches away from me as she folded her arms "Then you gotta fight like a dragon ..."

"You can't be serious I can't sit here and watch you get killed And Emily you wanna be the reason Jio doesn't come back then be my guest... I got something to do."

"And What's that supposed to mean we need you."

"Wrecker needs me more the thing is you don't get Jio the world has people that can take care of themselves and still protect others something you cannot do." Kat stormed out as I sighed staring down I couldn't get mad in a way she was right but Nexhin had to be put down.
"Get that Sorry ass look off your face already."

"Hmm?" I looked up at Emily who walked over placing down a book bag "stop feeling sorry for yourself there's no room for that in a dragon mindset."

"So you're really going to train me?"

"Yup your legs fractured the bones out of place that's gonna take a few weeks to get You back on your feet then we'll start training," Emily said I looked down at my leg a few weeks!?
I can't do a few weeks not while he's out there I thought I took a deep breath forcing myself up my main leg holding me up while I quickly slammed my inner leg into the wall at first the pain jolted but I knew it wasn't over. With more force I smashed up against the wall a crack and pop echoed from my leg as I growled trying to hold in my screams of pain, I sniffled looking back at Emily while forcing my leg to now walk at fist a few limps almost made me fall over but soon I was walking more normally.
I huffed and let out "Training starts tomorrow..." I wiped my mouth ripping the bandages off. Emily lightly smiled giving a nod I looked from my leg catching her "what you so happy for?"

"Nothing it's just...I like this new you, for once your stubbornness makes you cute." She smiled putting back on her book bag and walking out "Tomorrow.."

"What about school?"

"Kats been taking care of that all week school thought you were on early vacation tomorrows the first day of Christmas break we have two weeks to make you a dragon."

"And my mom?"

"According to your texts you've been staying at an all-boys sleepover for a week she was sketchy at first and she's definitely gonna know something when she sees you," Emily said I looked at my face in the camera of my phone all bruised and marked up a busted lip and black eye. "Ah, am I gonna get away with this.."

"If I were you I'd "stay at my friend's house" a little longer. That or just cover it up with makeup."

"I don't think all the makeup in the world can cover this up..."

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