Chapter 8- The Trap

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"Hello?" I spoke into the phone.

"Yeah are you coming?" Emily said out of fear.

"What's going on just tell me Em.."

"I'll tell you later please just .. hurry up I'm on Anderson street." Emily hung up and so did I Me and Kat hid on the roof of a Abandoned Apartment complex as Emily began pacing up and Down the sidewalk across the street. It had to be almost 20 minutes later all of us heard a chillin and hunting voice. Almost demonic as I stared down the street seeing a figure stalking towards her he cracked his neck as he roared out "EMILY!!!!" The figure continued walking he would be wearing all black as the eyes of his Helmet lit a blood red. I thought to myself it had to be Crimson he was the only one who talked, I talked into the coms "Hell Yeah we got them ... stay watch for his friend.." I began to scan around looking out for Mute. Emily began to talk into her com her voice a bit shaky as this was the first time I heard her actual voice tremble in fear. "Jio ..he looks nothing like the two I face the other night.. this is a whole new person.." Emily began backing up away from him as the figure continued to stalk a bit faster towards her. I looked back now down at the both of them she was right this was a new person this was someone else..

"A new one?.." Kat spoke to me softly.

"I have no idea.. stick to the plan.."

The figure leaned forward now charging after Emily she readied but not quick enough as the male slid next to her feet tripping her but quickly smashing his right into her stomach. As she fell to the ground in pain he continued picking her up by the collar and throwing her forward yelling at her "GET UP!! GET UP!!!" Emily Quickly forced her leg up kicking him in the stomach pushing him back she then forced up twirling in the air and going to slam her shoe into his helmet. The man caught her leg cuffing it and swinging her into the wall as he continued to taunt her "IM GOING TO KILL YOU, THEN YOUR FATHER! THEN WHOEVER ELSE GETS IN MY FUCKING WAY!" I began placing my helmet on now worried for Emily's safety I shouted into the com "THE PLAN!!"

"He's gonna rip her apart Jio hurry.." Kat said as I climbed up to second story building next to the hiding spot. The figure would go to Slam both his left and his right fist Emily ducking both as she got lower using her elbow to strike his knee joint then diving out of the way getting back to her feet as she screamed at him. "WHAT DID I EVEN DO?!" She continued leading the figure. The figure growled jolting his leg back walking towards her. "It all starts with you.. you fucking bitch... be grateful Lyla isn't here.." the figure began to charge Emily for a moment looking shocked to hear that name " got it all wrong.."

"I FUCKING BET!" As the figure leaped up Emily remained frozen smashing his right fist then his left again this time knocking Emily down to the ground, with all his power he then smashed his boot into her side the force so powerful it sent her sliding further down the sidewalk rolling. She weakly coughed holding on to her stomach "I'm not that person anymore..." she softly wiped her face forcing herself up. I needed to get to the other ladder but I knew I wasn't going to have enough time to catch him off guard I looked around constantly. Now getting a clear view The costume looked so familiar to something or someone I've seen before, I couldn't tell what but I knew I seen it before somewhere.

"That's exactly what I said a couple hours ago..." the figure spoke walking up to her. I took a step back ready to leap off the building hoping to land on the car below I took a deep breath before taking off, Emily yelled over the Com "NOW!!" Kat engaging the turrets as the zip wire began to trap the figure I ran towards the wire pulling out my bow and using it as I slid down the wire. The figure now being trapped looked over up at the wires, I let go rolling back up to my feet shouting "HEY ANYONE EVER TEACH YOU NOT TO LAY HANDS ON A WOMAN?!" I began walking towards the figure who chuckled lightly "she was right you are working with her.."

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