Chapter 2- Hell On Earth part I

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Getting sleep wasn't that easy I searched hours for the kid yesterday school was closed for a care day ,It was Friday three day weekend didn't bother me. But it's not like I could enjoy it anyway, Sasha was still on my mind Kat came over to my house to change my bandages. I explained the situation to Her we sat at the table in the kitchen eating Oreos, "I didn't know he had a gun..I wasn't thinking when I got to her she was barely breathing.."

"Jesus Christ ..does he know yet?.." She softly spoke.

"I don't know.. but I'm positive He's gonna be out for blood..the way he gutted those prisoners ..this has nightmare carved in the surface." I shook my head lifting my shirt a bit to check my new bandage tightly wrapped around my upper torso. "You've been doing good keeping it stitched."

"Yeah I've been taking the oxymorphone but it only last for about 12 hours." I grabbed the remote turning the Tv on and tossing it aside on the couch. "Make sure you only take one Jio those pills are strong and do serious damage if taken to many." She looked at me placing her glasses on the table and dunking another cookie in her glass of milk, "I know I only took 1 and besides I'm not go-.." I turned to the Tv news began a live feed report with the title Lakewood under Attack! The camera man panning up towards the sky to see a large black and orange portal hanging high in the sky. These weird figures jumping around and attacking people as the cameraman caught the attention of one as it lounged at him the camera dropping towards the street as the camera man began screaming and hollering.

I quickly ran outside into the middle of the street other neighbors and people watching as well, There I could see it the big circle sitting there in the distance people around me gasping and beginning to panic. I looked over at Kat who glanced at me and continued watching the livestream, "is that prototype ready?.." I uttered

"You're not actually thinking about this are you?!" Her face scared and serious as I gave a slight nod and looked back up to the sky. We got to HQ as Kat set a briefcase on the table she laid out a couple other things this red and black weird metallic like glove. Kat sat on the computer and began pulling up videos and live-streams "What the hell are these things?" I put on the glove and it began to tighten around my fist small metal pieces coming together around my knuckles, it felt light but solid "those are shock fusion gloves they help generate a magnetic force that when amplified can deliver over 675 to 3,000 Newton's of force which can be charged up depending on how you swing."

".ugh...english kat!"

"Jio with those you're gonna be able to hit really fucking hard!" She turned to me fixing her glasses I stood there with a smirk on my face walking over to the wall fixing and adjusting the glove. Like that I pulled back and drove forward punching as the wall began to explode at the point of impact. I slowly looked at my fist as the excitement built up inside me I smiled looking at Kat who chuckled of how surprise I was "Ive been working on that ever since the ripper fight." She smiles I opened the case to reveal my new suite it was a smooth all black and red, the back piece and hood and a new all red helmet with black outlining the eyes and down to bottom piece of the helmet, it Also had a open top to let my hair lose I had black military Cargos pants and boots I began putting it on.

"Now these things aren't known yet..I don't know what they are and they've seem to be showing signs of...supernatural abilities.."

"What about my leg it's still not in great fighting condition? And my side what if I rip the stitching." I turned to her scanning my bow.

"Well your side shouldn't rip that easy you see your body armor now has kevlar and titanium plating in important areas but flexy armor in areas that's made specifically for your safety. And you wear that brace under your cargos and it will keep your leg in tact just enough.."

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