Chapter 16- Training Day

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I stood infront of the mirror changing my bandages and replacing makeup, Jason had knocked on my door I quickly pulled my shirt down "come in.."

"Hey kiddo listen your mom and I are heading out now you sure your gonna be alright here alone?"

"Yeah you guys get out and have fun you and mom been working hard enough I can take care of myself.." I looked away noticing in the mirror I never covered up the right side well spotting the blackish tint from my black eye. "Alright then we're off see you in a bit you sure you don't want to come it's not to late to buy another ticket.."

"Jason goooooo!" I jokingly said guiding him out of my room as I smiled "have fun." I closed the door to my room as I leaned up against it letting out a long sigh of pain. I walked to the mirror continuing to change the bandage to my stab wound, My phone dinged I turned sitting on my bed opening my phone to see Emily's text. I looked out the window then back at the phone I was given a location to meet up at the scrapyard in Militone ave, I took a deep breath closing my phone and getting back up to my feet my left leg still sore and uneased sent me forward a bit as I gritted mumbling to myself "Stop being a bitch...we need this.."

I got there using my bike checking my phone again to be sure I had the right place. "Scrapyard goes nothing." I opened the big gate walking inside I seen Emily standing on top of a crushed car.
"So what's first? I was thinking the wax on wax off method.." I said sarcastically but was brought down by a knee to the face I fell on all fours while my body began to ache blood squirted from my nose as I cringed in pain.
"Emily what the hell!" I wiped my nose with my sleeve more blood pouring out "I think you broke it.." I whimpered Emily stood infront of me her hands on her hips "Shut the fuck up pussy you wanna be a dragon right?"

"Yeah it for god sakes take it easy I'm still injured!" I continued holding my nose Emily shook her head "by the end of the first week Jio I'm gonna get your body so use to pain this injury feel like you stubbed your toe." She slightly let a chain unleash from her hand the end hit the ground as she smirked almost like she was going to enjoy what was bout to come.
Before I knew it she was making me do push ups while whipping the chain against my back. I dropped a couple times as my body began to hurt Emily growled kicking my side "The pains mental of you can't think about it the pains not there!" She shouted I held my stomach in pain as I weakly let out "that's not how that works..."
"I want 190 push ups now! Everytime you fall or mess up your going to restart..."

I began more soon switching to pull ups and cardio as she brutally beat me up hours turned into days as I continued everyday sore in pain I wasn't allowed to eat and Emily made sure of that she slept over at my house I would train from the moment I'd wake up to the last minute I passed out, pull ups she would smash a crowbar into my stomach and chest and I was to continue or else like threatened multiple times I'd start over again. She would give me an hour bathtub ice soaking to relax and unwind my muscles it also kept the swelling down then right back to training. Running miles upon miles in the heaviest clothing I had and although it was cold I began to feel like the cold was a luxury compared to the furnace I wore. As crazy as she was she was in fact right about one body half the week in was feeling less and less despite the fact my stitches would pop back open do to a critical strike from Emily's brass knuckles to the stomach or face, she'd wrapped my hands arms and legs in nothing but chains and would force me to practice kickin and punching on a dummy.

"Faster lets go my Fathers brain dead cat can move faster than that!" Emily shouted I continued punching and kicking the chains bringing down my speed of punching and kicking. "Hey think faster!" Emily shouted I turned only to have a crowbar smashed against my face. "I said think fast." She let out gripping the crowbar.

"How when I'm BINDED!"

"That's what you don't hate being slow doing something about it Dumbass..." She taunted I growled as she swung I blocked but she kicked sweeping from under my legs. I fell looking up at her Emily raised the bar "get up .."

"Grrrr!!" I jumped up as she swung I ducked she leaped over me once she landed I gripped the crowbar pulling it towards me "Wrong decision!" She leaped smashing her feet into my chest and pushing back off. I fell back again as Emily chuckled throwing down the crowbar,
We began training she brought me to a gym we're she locked the door I looked around
"What now? We training on sp-?"

"Fight me."

"Yea- Wait what?"

"You heard me idiot fight me..."

"No way.."

"Why's that?"

"What if I hurt you?"

"Yeah cause you are certain your stronger."

"Not that it's just..I don't wanna hurt you.."

"Why cause I'm a girl? mOmMy tOld mE to ReSpeCt woMeN!!" She taughted I rolled my eyes "you finished ...I don't like fighting girls.."

"Is that what your gonna tell the next chick that lounges at you with a knife cause I'm sure that's a real tear jerker listen to me JIO the world doesn't care about you nor me...if it ever comes down to me or you..I'm choosing me..anyone out there would do the same..not stop being a quivering pussy and fucking hit me.." she explain I threw a quick jab but soon realized either way Emily had it on lock with her focus as she moved slightly bending my arm backwards I hollered as she leaped up slamming her elbow in my neck then flipping me to the ground. She dusted off her hands giving a light chuckle "I dOnt wAnt tO hUrT yOu." She taunted I got up begining to throw punches and kicks as Wmily with ease dodged from each with a quick swing her leg smashed into my ribs, I ignored the pain grabbing her leg with a much quicker reaction as I flipped her Emily using the momentum landed back onto her feet with a flip. She smiled "Show me how big and bad you are X.." lounging at me I moved throwing a punch Emily ducked grabbing my arm and pulling me forward I wrapped my arms around her restraining her but she kicked up her foot somehow reaching and tapping my face. I backed off as she jumped up back kicking me I grabbed her leg swinging her around back onto the floor, Emily rolled back up like a chucky doll she charged as she slid under my leg but I was quicker I leaped up avoiding a knee smash. She quickly grabbed the crowbar begining to swing and swipe I continued evading from the blows, missing each hit finally she swung low and I had enough I dove over the crowbar rolling to my feet as I spun Emily turned in time as my foot conected smashing against her face she fell back. In the moment of my excitement I laughed "HA BITCH!" I shouted Emily sat up holding her face "oh my god why would you do that my face dude! Oh my god my moms gonna see this that hurt so fucking bad!!" She began tearing up my smile faded as I kneeled next to her "Emily I'm sorry I'll get you some ic-" Emily smashed her head into my face sweeping under my feet as I fell back. Emily mounted me raising her fist as she laughed "Dude sometimes you're so predictable.." she giggled more as I looked up at de my eyes annoyed "next time I break your jaw I'm just gonna laugh in your face if you actually cry.."

"Aww how cute you think you can break my jaw..that was luck we can put it to the test if you want tho?"

"Bet.." I growled as Emily smiled placing her hand out to help me up I took it as she pulled.
"Alright then cute stuff lets go again.." she got into a defensive stance as I got into attack stance "your going down..." she smirked "try me then..." week one was a success and I was ready for week two and what she had to grow at me, but most importantly I was going to be ready for round're done...I thought to myself gripping my fist I watched Emily's foot slowly shift into a leapin run I looked super at her We both charged Emily leaped into the the air going to slam her fist I leaped up going to punch as well....

Killer-X: Gang WarsМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя