Chapter 13- Zero

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I had jumped down from the roof of the corner store finally catching up to the Midnight Burglar. "HEY!" I yelled out deeply saying it with my chest, The burglar stopped "STAY OUT OF MY WAY!" He lunged at me but too quick, I leaped up grabbing his face and slamming my knee into his face causing him to drop to the ground. "Stand down and you won't leave in a body cast.."

"I'm not standing down YOU'RE A DEADMAN YOU HEAR ME YOU'RE DEAD TO ME!" The man pulled a gun out on me but I found myself freezing up like a deer in headlights he aimed as the words You're dead to me continued to echo and slowly form into Nexhins voice.
Why was this happening I couldn't tell you for sure but a piece of me stood there while the other half was trying to move.

"We outta words hero?" He grinned clicking the hammer Kats voice overlapped the echo as she let out "JIO??! WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?"
I shook my head as the gunman shot the bullet hitting my armor plating I stumbled back from the force he continued unloading as I dove behind a parked car rolling to my feet.

"COME OUT FREAK!" He continues firing insanely at the car shattering windows and setting off the alarm I leaped up sliding across the hood of the car my baton armed as I smacked the gun out of his hand and across his skull. He stood stunned as I raised my boot smashing it into his leg as he dropped to his one good knee I continuously slammed the baton into his face. I exhaled holding my shoulder in distress the pain was bad but better than actually getting shot, I huffed and puffed in the air as the store owner ran out to see what the shots were he looked at me and in Spanish spoke "oh Dios mío, eres el asesino X ..."
(Oh my goodness you're The Killer X)
I turned looking back at him giving a slight nod as I spoke back "llama a la policía.." (call the police.) he gave a quick nod running inside as I returned back home. It had been a good three days since the outburst with Nexhin I had my detention but I also mainly been dodging him I'd take the longer routes through the halls because I knew he wouldn't be there, As for the excuse with my parents Jason understood he didn't agree with fighting but was glad I defended myself, oh and the pajamas Kat and I came up with that they were hers and that day she had a nose bleed although my parents didn't buy it I could tell, My moms thought process stayed the same she thought me and Kat do I put this without gagging being "together" when they weren't home. I assured her that WAS NOT the case but she still didn't look at all fooled. I was glad I wasn't grounded seems being Killer-X was the only thing keeping me from being Jovonni or worrying about his problems gave me some type of piece until now of course...

I stepped into HQ and was greeted by Emily she looked at me as I groaned a bit "you okay?" She said worriedly I gave a nod unstrapping the locks on my upper outfit ripping it off me. On the left side of my chest was a purple and bluish marking. It looked almost like someone had punched me over and over again Emily sighed "you gotta be more careful Jio."

"I know I'm fine."

"No, he's not...he froze!" Kat marched in towards me I rolled my eyes "Kat it won't happen again.."

"Jio what the hell happened out there!"

"Nothing happened he tagged me your armor works isn't that good enough?" I shrugged

Kat pulled me aside away from Emily"Is it him?" She let out I stood still biting my tongue, "Listen Jio I get it but you can't let that affect you out there besides fuck him why should we feel bad after what he did to us...I honestly think it's karma." Kat spoke.

"But I lied to look he wants my head on a stick."

"Then we take him down like all the rest he's lucky he's still breathing."

"I don't want to fight people like that Kat that's what you don't get...I want peace I caused this
The old me ...He would have taken the chance to fought ruin Nexhin for what he did ...I promised myself at Mel's grave I'd be better than that...I don't wanna be that person I use to be.." I looked down sitting on the chair Kat got quiet "fine...we'll talk to him.. see what we can do..but the minute he fucks up we take the shot.." She uttered I walked back out looking at Emily who gave a nod I thought for a moment "you knew nexhin in the dragons?"

Killer-X: Gang WarsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz