What Makes You Happy

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What Makes You Happy

"And tonight, we have the famous writer, doctor and engineer, please welcome, Mrs Alice Walter"

*a loud round of applause and the appearance of Alice waving followed by her sitting*

"Mrs Walter, it is an honor having you tonight at our show. How are you today?"

"I'm fine thank you"

"We have a few questions here to ask you, there are some personal questions, I hope you don't mind!"

"No, not at all"

"Has anyone ever told you that you have a charming smile?"

"So I heard"

"Anyways, back to the topic at hand. Mrs Walter, how long have you being a writer? I mean someone as successful and influential must have started from a very young age"

"Yes, Mr Harrison, I did start writing 20 years ago when I was only 13. At that time, I wasn't good at all and I remember being very much excited. I used an app back then so I post it in the internet. I remember I almost flipped when I received a vote"

*audience laughing, and whistling*

"That is a very young age you started at"

"Indeed it was"

"Moving to the next question, do you like what you're doing? Being an engineer and a doctor isn't easy"

"No, it is not. But no one said It was. It is tiring. Very exhausting really and I sometimes feel like quitting but then I remember what made me start in the first place. I push myself to the point of breaking but it pays off"

"And doesn't it exhaust you? Mentally and physically?"

"It does but I love what I do and I can't quit. I guess when you love something, you just can't quit no matter how much it hurts you because that's what makes you happy. And at the end of the day, if you didn't do what makes you happy, then you'll be miserable"

"Even when it comes to love?"

*a very long silence followed*

"Love can be described in a lot of different ways Mr Harrison and pain Is one of them. You see, when you love someone, making them happy becomes your priority. And if you don't keep them happy and cause them pain, then that's not love. Love varies from person to person. Some people just don't know to express love. Some didn't grew up with love so they have no idea what it is. Some express love through pain and some through silence. Some hurt their loved ones and tell them it's because they love them. No, that is certainly not love and those people are sadists. They need help. Hitting someone and claiming it's out of love isn't love at all.

Love is gentle and patient. It's never rushed or hurried. It's slow and you need to go with the flow or you'll lose yourself trying to force it. It's a gradual process and it can be very torturing but it's all gonna be just fine at the end. Love makes everything much better.

So, if you fine what makes you happy, whatever it is, even if it's chewing on coal-"

*audience laughed and Alice waited for few seconds till they calmed down and smiled*

"- don't let it go. Hold onto it so tightly. Who cares what people say or think? It's better to please yourself and love yourself because the society will talk no matter what you do. Do what makes you happy even if it kills you. It's you're life. No one's ever gonna help you out when you're miserable. I'm just a psychologist, I'll only listen, I can't get close to you but guess who can? Your inner self. Your soul and mind will. Don't let the wrong idea of love get to you, and don't let the wrong people control you."

*a small pause*

"People can be very manipulative and if you love the wrong person, they'll hurt your heart, damage your mind and drain your soul till it fades away and claim it's love. Fear is our worst enemy and people often use that against us. They use our fear to satisfy themselves and have us wrapped around their fingers. You need to free yourself from those threads and you'll be fine.

Whoever raises their hand on you, damage your soul or even your mind isn't someone you want for the rest of your life"

*a deafening silence was followed and Alice got uncomfortable*

"Wow, the rumors were true"

"What rumors?"

"That your words touches the heart"

"I try my best Mr Harrison"

"Next question, how did you find-"

At this point, I just turned off the tv knowing I have already heard what I wanted and she really inspires me.

I'm gonna do something crazy, I'm gonna do what makes me happy, just like what Alice said.

Midnight Thoughts. Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora