Tell Me Why

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                            Tell Me Why

Why do I always wanna make everyone feel better? About themselves? About everything around them? Why do I not judge people? Why do I make them feel that it's ok to make mistakes? To feel scared. To have phobias and to have secrets. Why? Why do I accept everyone as they are and never say anything bad about them. Why do I feel like I'm obliged to make everyone feel better? Why do I need to be the saint in every situation? The understanding person?

Why? I simply wanna know why? Why am I like this? Why am I so good to others? Easily forgiving and forgetting? Why? Why am I so soft hearted? Why do I care about other people's feelings more than mine? Why? Just freaking why?!!!

Why do I feel like I need to heal and fix every damaged soul? Every hurt person? Why do I do that? Why do I wanna touch people's life? Make them happy? Why do I care about others feelings and happiness more than mine. Why am I so selfless?

I'm just so sick of being human. I just wanna be free. I don't wanna be a healing machine because I'm so tired of healing others. I'm drained. I've got no energy left in me and I'm so exhausted. I just wanna sleep and never wake up.

I just want someone to heal me too, I'm so tired.

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