Self Love

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                                   Self Love

This is one of the most things people talk about. Self love, love yourself. They write long ass quotes and paragraphs about it. They fantasize it and make it seem so easy. They make it seem as if it's a world filled with rainbows and butterflies and beautiful things.

But the truth, is far from it. It's a war, a battle you alone go through. They tell us to learn to love ourselves, but the big question is; how?

How can we? They only say it, the never actually do it. They don't teach us. Don't just say and talk and rant, teach us. Show us how.

Self love is the hardest thing anyone can ever do. It's a war that'll leave scars, wounds that'll never heal but guess what? After the rain comes the rainbow. This society makes us want to be what it wants us to be. Not what we want to be.

It turns you into someone you don't recognize, and when you look in the mirror, you see a stranger,someone you don't recognize.

Look at those stretch marks, at that flabby stomach, those long lean legs, those lean muscles, that short hair, those tiny eyes, that brown/pale skin, those dull eyes and say  "I'm proud of who I am. I'll try to love myself, if I fail, I won't give up".

It's not easy. You won't get it at the first try or the second or the third, but you will. You might find someone that'll love you for who you are and for every bit of you, and I promise you, that's all you need. A little push. A little help. Getting over your insecurities and loving yourself is never ever going to be easy.

Negative thoughts will bring you down. You'll curl up into a ball on the bathroom floor or on the bed and cry your eyes out because of those things. But when that one person knocks on your closed door and ask you to let them in, do so.

Let them hold you, cry with you and I promise you, you'll be fine. They say, "What doesn't kill you, makes you stronger" and that's true.

If you love yourself, no one, I mean no one, has the power to bring you down. Have faith and be strong.

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