I Miss You

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                                    I Miss You

Yeah, I miss you. I never thought I would. Not after how we broke up. Pathetic isn't it? That I'm here looking at your pictures and playing some sad songs. How I just miss your voice and laugh.

The two years we've spent together has never been better. They were the best years of my life. I thought I was over you. I actually though I could do it. I didn't think about you. How could this happen? How could this be? 

The darkness is overwhelming and I can't feel or see anything. I miss you so much. I've never loved anyone as much as I loved you. I could swear it. How did it come to this? I never thought we could part ways.

I swear I miss everything about you. How you tease me and how my heart skips every time your name pops up on my screen.

I thought I'm getting over you. Maybe it's because I was surrounded by people and Was occupied and busy with stuff that I didn't stop and thought about you, about us.

But then here I am, at 1 in the morning, looking at your pictures, blasting some sad songs of an unknown artist and letting tears slip down my cheeks and absorbed by the pillow.

I could hardly breathe and I miss you. I miss how you made me feel. There's no place I could call home again. You were my home. I feel so empty now. I can't help but love you even more. It's you. It's always you.

I don't wanna be with anyone but you. I've tried. It didn't end well. I wanted to act tough. But then I'm not. I never was. Now that you're gone and I'm missing you, i feel incomplete.

So yes Aaron Alexander Adams, I miss you. I always have and always will. I hope you're doing well and happy with whoever you're with now.

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