I Want To Go To A Place Where I Could Be Me

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                     I Want To Go To A Place Where I
                                    Could Be Me

I want to leave this place. Leave. Just disappear. Go to a new place. A place where no one know me and I could start afresh.

A place where the birds sings more loudly and the air is a lot healthier. I just want to go to a place that no one knows me. Somewhere close to the sea. Or maybe woods with a lot of trees. A place where I could feel the air on every inch of my body and I could remove my veil and feel it in my hair.

Some place where the sun doesn't shine so brightly, and a place where the air is a little bit dense. Some far away place that I could be me. Just me and the life I wanted. No pressure, no pain. Where summer is warm and the winter isn't so harsh and cold.

A place where I could breathe. A place where I could breed. A place where I could call mine. A place where the demons won't find me. A place where my lungs could take in as much oxygen as they could without failing.

Some far away place. Where I could fall in love again. A place where being you wouldn't be a daily struggle. A place where love and happiness lives. A place where there is no room for sadness and worries. A place where I would bury my future and live in the moment.

A place where your mistakes aren't constantly thrown at your face. A place where you aren't reminded of how much of bad person you were. A place where your past won't be held against. A place where you won't be living in fear of having your anxiety kicking in any moment.

A place where peace exists and you could be you again. I'll find that place. I'll find a place where I could be me again.

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