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Well, we all are humans, right? I have a lot to say about this. Some humans are demons and monsters. They're just so mean, cruel and drive pleasure from destroying, killing and causing pain to others.

We all have feelings and insecurities. And what destroys us the most is our pride and ego. Walk away from them, they're demons in disguise and they'll destroy you. Insecurities? We all do have them, I do have mine but I'm learning how to accept them, how to love myself for who I am. I am a human, I can't be perfect. Don't pretend that perfection is your friend, because it's not ones friend.

Being yourself isn't easy. We break at some point. We make mistakes. Some people don't believe in mistakes, forcing others to behave in a certain way, talk in a perfect way, be the perfect being in the society, no room for mistakes. Hitting you when not doing what they want, controlling you. It's not right.

They make you feel insecure. Having panic attacks, building up anxiety in you and then at the end, blaming you for what they build you. They scatter you into pieces and then they'll blame you for it. They'll claim you were already broken when they found you. Break free. Be yourself.

Accepting yourself for who you are isn't easy. Love yourself first. Be selfish, at least, for once. Beauty doesn't last, it'll wear thin and the only thing that'll last is your character, your scars, your inner self. That's what will last.

Getting over your insecurities, loving yourself and being a human isn't easy. Love your flaws and your mistakes. They're what makes you, you. Not all mistakes though, the ones that makes you human. Some mistakes are unacceptable, some makes are choices and those can't be accepted.

Show them that you're human, you feel. Show them you're human, you breathe. Show them you're human, you have your own mind and thoughts. Show them you're human, you're better than what they made you think you are. Show them you're human, don't let them belittle you.


Hey guys, sorry for the late updates. This chapter just didn't come out from my heart. I wrote it but I feel nothing. No feelings, no emotions nothing. I hope you enjoy though. Do tell me your thoughts please.

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