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Tell me all the things you want to do

-Search for the movie For Keeps  starring Molly Ringwald if you've never seen it before you read this

Once every week the party got together and watched a movie. This Friday night it was Max's turn to select the movie.

They all gathered into Mike's basement. Mike and El hogged the couch, while Lucas and Max set up pillows and blankets for the rest of them. They all got comfy and situated.

Mike and El laid intertwined soaking up every second of being so close to one another. Max rested her head on Lucas's chest, as they lay propped up by pillows next to each other. Dustin and Will sat on pillows, each of them had sodas and a bowl of buttery popcorn.

All the lights were turned off and every one was ready. Max pressed play. They were all in anticipation as Max had kept what she'd chosen a secret. She wanted them to be surprised.

"Max what is this?" asked Will.

"Please don't let it be another girly movie. You always pick those and then you convince El to pick them to," complained Dustin. He particularly didn't like those films.

Surprisingly Max had a soft spot for rom-coms, especially ones who had Molly Ringwald in them. Tonight's film of course had Molly Ringwald in the lead.

"So what if it is another girly movie Dustin. El and I have to watch your boy movies. El and I are the only girls so sit back and enjoy the movie," replied Max. She was sick of them complaining every time it came for her or El to pick the movie.

"For Keeps," El read. El usually got excited when it was Max's turn for movie night. She favored the movies where the girl and the guy fall in love. It reminded her how she and Mike fell in love, something she could relive everyday. El snuggled even closer to Mike, bridging any space left between them.

When the baby was born El was mesmerized by the little girl. El thought she was so precious and tiny. Her heart filled with joy looking at the baby on the screen. El loved this movie.

"Mike, she's so adorable," whispered El.

Everybody watched the film. Dustin and Will didn't complain at all. Mike and Lucas never objected to the movies the girls picked, they didn't want to get in trouble.

"Are they gonna get together Max," questioned Will. He thought they should end up together after everything they had been through.

"Just watch the movie Will," replied Max. She hadn't seen it before so she didn't even know.

They movie ended and they were all relieved that Darcy and Stan had overcome their obstacles.

"The baby was so cute and tiny. I wish someone would have a baby, like Hop and Joyce," El stated. She couldn't stop thinking about the baby. She wanted to hold one, make funny faces, and play with one.

"I don't think that's going to happen El," Will said.

"Yeah," El muttered. She really wanted a baby though. A thought bloomed inside her head. It's a brilliant idea to solve her problem.

Mike absolutely hated when El was upset but he didn't know what to do. El's beautiful brown eyes were downcast, it tugged at his heart. He knew she was upset because of the whole baby situation. Unfortunately no one they knew currently had a baby.

"Mike, I want to have a baby with you. I want to have a baby now," El exclaimed. Her brilliant idea was to have a baby with Mike now. Darcey and Stan were around their age so why couldn't they have one. A huge smile was plastered on El's face with her brown eyes lit up with excitement.

Mike's cheeks instantly turned burning red. Will and Dustin had knocked over their bowls of popcorn as they were dying of laughter on the floor. Lucas and Max were chuckling from pure amusement. Mike didn't know how to explain to El what having a baby meant. El looked at all of them with curious eyes wondering what she had said.

Mike felt like he couldn't talk anymore, but he regained composure when Will's and Dustin's laughter started to die down.

"Umm... El do you know what it means to have a baby and everything that comes with it," Mike asked. He was unsure of what El exactly knew about it.

"Well... when two people love each other from that love it creates a tiny little baby," El ventured, she didn't really know. Hopper didn't exactly like to talk about those topics with El.

"Well not exactly El. Umm you... well a baby... umm," Mike stutters, this was proving to be quite difficult for Mike.

"Max can you explain it to El, since you picked the movie," Mike asked. Hopefully Max could tell her since she was a girl and El might not understand coming

from him.

"No way. El is your girlfriend," Max replied. She would've told her, but it was so damn funny to see Mike frantic.

"Well... El... umm... you see to have a... baby you need two people.

"Like us." El interrupted.

Mike's face was bright pink. Swallowing the huge lump in his throat he began to proceed in telling El. "Yea, but those two people are older like maybe in their late twenties. And you have to... umm like do it."

"What is 'do it'," El asked.

"El why don't the boys go upstairs for a bit and I'll tell you everything more clearly. Mike can barely speak or function at this point."

Relief washed over Mike's face. He smiled at El and gave her a hug with a quick kiss on the lips. He mouthed thanks to Max before they went upstairs.

"El in order to have a baby like Mike said you need two people. Preferably they both are mature, care ,and deeply love each other. Actually there are many factors when considering when having a baby. To create the child they need to umm... like make love. It's something intimate you do with the other person," Max was a little embarrassed having to talk about this, but she'd do anything to help El understand.

"Ohh," El cheeks turned red. She felt so stupid and a wave of embarrassment flooded her emotions.

Max could tell El was embarrassed and she didn't want that. It wasn't like Hop was gonna teach her about this sort of stuff.

"El, don't feel bad. On the bright side, now you know how babies are made and umm I think we'll learn more about that stuff in health," Max tried to console El.

"Okay. Thanks for explaining it to me Max. I appreciate it. I still wouldn't of been able to understand if Mike told me. He probably would've had hives before he could finish," El said. She smiled as she put the embarrassment behind her. She knew she still had so many other things to learn and experience.

"You can come down now," Max yelled to the boys.

The boys appeared, walking down the stairs. Mike caught El's eyes and his heart quicken. Every single time he looked at her he knew.

He knew he was the luckiest boy in the universe to be loved by her. He knew she was the one. The one he would never stop loving, thinking about, and caring for. He would marry her and they would have little El's running around.

He couldn't stop himself from smiling at her and their future.

Both their hearts glowed because she felt the exact same way.

-Song: Video Games-Lana Del Ray

-This was very fun to write, which surprised me

-Am I good at writing fluff?

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