Holding You In My Arms

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This world was never meant for one as beautiful as you

-Age 23/24

-Listen To "Stuff We Did" From Up Soundtrack

Mike ran over to the lifeless body; falling down on his knees he scooped her in his arms. He screamed out in agony as his heart slowly extracted itself from his body. Hopper walked over to see the broken boy holding his daughter's dead body. He collapsed to his knees; he couldn't lose her like he lost Sarah. His hard exterior cracking as his mind processed El's limp body.

He knew she was gone. He couldn't let go though, they'd have to bury him with her. They were supposed to grow old and die together. He moved away the pieces of her hair still stuck on her face. He gently stroked her cheek with his thumb. Tears clouded his vision as he held her in his arms for the last time. He lost his heartbeat the day she died.

He moved through the stages of life, but he never quite lived. He had dated here and there, but always backed out before it became too serious. He always visited her grave daily for a long time after she had passed, but the days went on. No matter what, he visited on her birthday and he brought her favorite flowers. He'd lose count of how many hours he'd stay with her that day as he'd tell her everything happening in his life. It may sound crazy, but he could never love someone an ounce as much as he had loved her.

Mike had recently turned eighty-five and he was looking after Jane. Jane was the child of Nancy and Jonathan's daughter. He never referred to her as Jane, but called her little El. Mike never married, so he put a lot of his effort into work and helping raise Nancy and Jonathan's children. Their children were all ready having kids of their own and he had no problem helping watch the little ones since he retired. Little El had taken a liking to Mike since she was born and she was by far his favorite. He'd never admit she was his favorite, but how could he not favor her. She was just like her namesake, the the of his love El Hopper.

Mike sat in his recliner as little El played with Mike's dinosaur Rory. Mike was reading the newspaper as he felt little El tugging on the bottom of his plant leg. She wanted up so he hoisted her onto his lap. She snuggled against his chest.

"Grandpa Mike, Mommy says I'm named after someone special."

She was indeed named after the most fierce, loving, loyal, compassionate, and well he could go on for days. She was so darn special; his heart glowed when thinking back to their memories.

"You are named after someone very special little El."

'Why do ya call me little El and not Jane."

"Who you're named after is Jane Hopper, but I always called her El."

Little El hadn't seen Grandpa Mike smile that big in her whole entire four years of living. She caught on fast like El had, so she knew why he had that lovey dovey smile.

"What was El like."

He could go on for hours and hours talking about what El was like. She was everything and so much more the world simply had not deserved her.

"El was a lot like you. She was the most beautiful women I had ever set my eyes on. She had these warm brown eyes that'd melt you on the spot and get you to do anything. She had the cutest, but most contagious laugh that you'd be gasping for breathe after. She had this smile that made you feel right at home. She knew how to cheer me up when i had a bad day or calm me down when I was frustrated from writer's block. She loved all her friends and family and strived to be better, which made me want to be better. She was compassionate with every fiber in her body, but would defend the ones she loved in a heartbeat. She was fearless and so strong, which sometimes I lacked in. She knew what it meant to sacrifice everything in order to protect everyone. She was selfless in giving up her own happiness so others could have theirs. She was an illuminating light that could not be blown out easily. She was so much better than me in so many ways and I still can't believe I got to be loved by her."

He smiled down at little El, as a tear leaked from the corner of his left eye. El with her tiny thumb wiped away the tear as she snuggled back into his chest. She yawned as Mike picked up a blanket on the side of the recliner and draped it over them.

"She sounds pretty. I want to be just like her."

He smiled as little El finished her comment and immediately drifted off into sleep.

"I bet you'll have no problem with that little El."

Mike fell asleep with little El in his arms. He dreamed how his and El's future would've turned out. How he'd propose at sunset on a beach, with a simple yet elegant ring Nancy helped him pick out. El walking down the aisle, as he cried at the sight of her, yet Hopper giving him a softening death glare. Throwing a gender reveal party, but El accidentally spilling the beans that they'd be having a girl before the party started. He'd talk to the baby every night and Dustin would have bought headphones for the baby to listen to Mozart. El going through intense labour, but then bringing the baby home so they could start their journey as parents. They'd raise their little girl and have a baby boy along the way. They'd do a damn fine job, see their kids off to college, and a life of their own. They'd grow old together and listen to old classical piano as they danced on the porch. When the sky was clear they'd watch the sunset from their porch swing. They'd drift off into dreams wrapped in each other's arms as they peacefully faded away.

Little El's mother had picked her up, but had let Mike continue sleeping. He had heard someone calling his name thinking it was little El, so he tried to savour his time with dream EL. He could hear his name being called closer to him and he thought it was weird he hadn't woken up yet. He held his breath as his El came into sight and he knew he wasn't sleeping.

Time had run its course and he was back where he belonged. They were at the cabin, El had grown old but still she took his breath away. They held each other and danced as the sun receded to the moon. Mike looked at El, which made her blush. He couldn't help himself so he leaned down, which lead to both of them melting into that single kiss.

-Song: Vincent By Don Mclean

-Inspired by Up

-Suggestions are welcome

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