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What could be as lonely as love?

What could ever hurt this much?

One Year Ago

"I can't wait to see you. "I love you'' El."

"This day can't get over fast enough. I love you too Mike and sleep tight."

"Goodnight my love."

Current Day

"It worked out in my schedule, so I'm coming home for the weekend. It's been awhile since I saw everyone."

"Yeah, but you've been insanely busy with school and the internship. You're really working hard so it pays off in the future. It's getting pretty late, so sleep tight Mike."

"Goodnight El."

"Is somebody forcing you two to talk to each other?" Max quipped.

"Feels like it," El deadpanned.

"I was just joking, but do you wanna talk about it?" she asked.

"What's there to talk about Max. He's finally coming home after four months of not seeing each other and to finalize the end of our relationship. I have nothing to say," she said sadly.

"El he's not coming home for the exact reason to end your relationship. I have no sort of inclination that's even going to happen at all," Max said with conviction.

"Max you just said it sounded like we were being forced to talk to each other and nobody should sound like that if they're together. I mean I've known for some time, but I've suppressed the thoughts and the whole panic scenario on it. It's going to happen and there's nothing I can do about."

"El it's you and Mike! Yes you have fights and get angry at each other so isn't this just one of those times. I mean you guys are supposed to get married, start a family, and grow old together."

"It's not Max, it's more than that and I can't feel it. I still want that with him, but things don't always go according to plan. It's fine Max, I'm glad he's getting it over with. I don't have to be exhausted over this anymore."

"The El even a year ago would've thought I was going crazy if I told her what you just said. You're so resigned to this that it scares me. Do you want this to happen?" she asked with disbelief.

"Yes, no matter how much it's going to hurt me. I can't save this with my powers, I mean I can't even save it with just being me. It's been over and it's been over for a long time. Where we are now is only hurting me more than if we were broken up."

"But it's not over for you and maybe it's not over for him either."


"No, El. You still love him, but because you love him you feel it's right to just let him walk out and never come back. It's not over for you no matter how much you have resigned yourself to think it is. All of sudden everything you guys have built together is just crumbled to ashes? I can't comprehend how two people who meant the whole entire universe to each other end because of distance."

"It's hard Max, being away from him is like tortureI can't even fully contribute the whole ending to the long distance. Things have changed so much over the last few months and he seems happier. I'm currently stuck in the muffled background of his happiness. I can't be selfish and take away this happiness he's obtained. Throughout it all I've watched as he realized there's more to the world than just us and our plans for the future."

"El you always told me your relationship with Mike was always worth fighting for, no matter what had happened. When did that no longer apply?"

"It no longer applied when I stopped being apart of his happiness. It's just doesn't feel like it used to, he seems better off without me. You can try, fight, and hang on to every single thread, but it makes no difference when they don't love you anymore."

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