The Truth

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You said i fucked up and ruined your life

Little did you know you ruined


She opened the door to the Wheeler's basement. The cold air engulfed her instantly relieving the stickiness from her skin. He sat on the worn couch facing the other direction. She knew he had heard her come in, but he didn't acknowledge her.


She came around standing in front of him. His face held no expression and she felt unsettled.

"Mike are you feeling okay. I can go get your mother. Do you need me to get you some water of food. I can go grab the thermometer to check if you've got a fever?"

"Like my mother's going to do shit."

She was taken aback by his abruptness. She saw something reflected by the light at his feet, which appeared to be numerous beer bottles. She became more wary of her idea to come over here.

"Well, I can do whatever you need if you aren't feeling good."

"Go away."

"Mike you don't look so good. I'll take care of you tonight."

"Leave El."

"Mike I'm not going anywhere, so I'm going to take these bottles upstairs."

"I said fucking leave El."

She took a deep breath. He never took his aggression out on her. This whole situation felt off, but she wasn't leaving. He could yell every cuss word in the book at her and she'd still be by his side. The beer did the taking instead of her boyfriend. She bent down to grab as many beers as possible to throw away.

He looked up at her with a darkening stare as she tried to pick the bottles up. He grabbed her closest wrist to stop her from taking away his alcohol. He was in no mood for her substance control. She loosened her grip on the beer bottle because of Mike's restrictive hold. The bottle slipped causing it to shatter, leaking beer soaked into the carpeted floor.

Mike knew his mom would give him shit if there was a stain left from El's clumsiness. He'd get the blame for having beer in the first place and he was pissed. He had told her to leave, but she just had to make another mess.

"Sorry Mike, let me get the stain remover and some washcloths. I've spilt many things at the cabin and Hopper would never know."

"You made another fucking mess. I told you to get the hell out of here El."

"You're just drunk Mike and letting the beer speak. Say whatever mean crap you want but you can't get rid of me that easily Wheeler."

She didn't have to deal with drunk Mike often, but it was a pain in her ass when she did. He knew her stance on alcohol use, so he tried not to drink in front of her. That was the problem of their arguments is he would get drunk when she wasn't around. She trusted him with her whole heart, but she couldn't help the vicious doubts that crept inside her thoughts at night. She wondered when he'd get completely wasted and make a decision he couldn't return back from.

"Guess what El."

He was just trying with every fiber in his body to piss her off. She wouldn't back down; she was going to be there for him. It was a random weekday and it was unusual for him to get a case of beer. There had to be a reason to his wallowing or bitchy ass attitude towards her.

"What Mike."

She'd play along with his games until she could coaks the real reason for his spur of weekday drinking.

"I didn't have a sip of alcohol, so it isn't the drunk me talking. I just wanted to be left alone, but you just have to pester me like a little child."

She glanced down to the beers, which were indeed still full. If it wasn't the alcohol she had no idea what was bothering him. They were perfectly fine yesterday and hadn't had a fight in awhile. She just wanted him to open up to her so she could heal whatever he was going through.

"I'm sorry if you feel like I'm pestering you, but I just came to hangout. Mike you don't have to be guarded because we'll go through whatever it is together."

"I was such a fool when I was younger and really up until now. You'll go through it with me but you shouldn't be at all because you never should've been born. Your mere existence had caused lives to die and you've ruined everyone's lives in this town. Everyone is too scared to admit that you're a burden that nobody can seem to get rid of."

She be lying if she said that didn't punch a hole through her heart. She wanted to fall on the floor and cry until she woke up to find that this had all been a nightmare. The Mike she'd fallen in love with would've never said those things, even if he were shit faced and fuming. He crossed a line that she didn't even think was possible. She'd never felt this type of hurt before and it really fucking hurt.

"Mike you don't mean that."

"Yeah El, I do mean it. Our relationship no longer means anything to me. You are the reason so many bad events have happened in all our lives. You're powers aren't cool or unique you're worse than a mouth breather. You should be locked up in the lab for the rest of your life."

She couldn't move. His words were tearing her to shreds and she couldn't say he was wrong. He had been the one to trust her and believe she wasn't defined by her powers. She wanted nothing more in this world to be normal and to have lived a normal life with her mother and Terry. She had opened the portal to the upside down, but she thought she had corrected her mistakes. She put everyone else first and would die in an instant if that meant they'd be safe. She thought she wasn't a monster.

He walked closer to her, but the pain from his words kept her locked into place. The tears had stained her cheeks and she just wished she could drown in them. She couldn't take more venomous words shot her way. She was just an eyelash away from collapsing. He walked right up to her and lowered his lips to her ear.

"Hell you mean nothing to me. You're a monster and never forget that."

She'd gone through numerous tough, heartbreaking, and angry events in her life, yet none of them compared until today. She'd only decided to visit her boyfriend and have a wonderful evening watching movies and eating buttery popcorn on the sofa.

When monster left his lips, the same ones that used to cherish her she felt like she died. El Hopper pronounced dead at the scene from the truthful words spoken by Micheal Wheeler. Was she an unredeemable monster not worthy of living. She collapsed to the floor with no comforting arms as Mike walked out the door. He didn't look back to see if he'd killed her, nope walked out like it was nothing.

One thought was apparent in her mind and it was that she would always be a monster. No matter all the good she tried to do and rectify that day in the stupid lab. 011 would forever be marked on her skin labeling her a monster. Jane was a monster. Eleven was a monster. El was a monster. She was a monster.

The sobs racked through her body stealing her breath as the waves would at high tide. Everything had happened all so fast some parts of her brain had yet to comprehend. She wished she'd brought a time machine and erase this past hour. The pain was indescribable, it was piling and crushing her entire body. The walls were closing in and she couldn't move. She started to breathe heavily and her focus was in another dimension.

Will suddenly walked through the door. At first he hadn't seen El as the sofa blocked her from his view. He heard someone though and then he found her having an anxiety attack mixed with the oncoming sobs. He pulled her into his arms and was able to calm her down. He knew she wouldn't be able to talk so he held her tightly in his arms.

She focused in on Will's heartbeat, the only thing to make her feel alive in the moment.

Song: 1999 by beabadoobee

-Should I make a part two?

-Suggestions are welcome!

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