Uneventful Colors

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I know what it is
But I'm hoping that all is well

The clock ticked away at the time. One second gone another to be consumed by the minute hand. Another build up of the minute to be reached and the cycle restarts. Time saying hello and goodbye in the same instant. The future is awaiting as time takes it into the past. A never ending cycle of the past, present, and future.

The waiting room colored in grays with flickers of color practically exploding aside of the uneventfulness. Though this whole room was uneventful, but the forms being filled out and the occasional person to enter the sacred door, all was still. The women behind the glass making small talk to get them through the day. Just enough contact, but not enough to get indefinitely hurt if they left their lives forever. Forever is how she felt while waiting in that barely colorful room waiting to be called.

Her hands were in her lap, she was soothingly rubbing them. A nervous habit she never noticed she had. She had this strategy to see how long she wouldn't look at the clock, so far her best time was a minute and thirty seconds. She was trying to beat her high score but the nagging itch resulted in a quick glance. It had only been 45 seconds since her last divulgence.

She mentally slapped herself at how frayed her nerves had gotten. She needed to rein herself in because none of this would determine the outcome. But what if it did, yet what if it didn't. The charged cycle of reused thoughts to forge on until the door opened.

The lady was wearing light blue scrubs like when the sky is cloudless on a summer day. Her blondish hair was pulled back into a high ponytail ever so swaying slightly. A smile was plastered on her face as she called El to come with her.

The lady seemed nice enough as she guided her to an office in the far back. This entire part of the doctor's office smelled sterile and very otherworldly. You had the employees bring life into this place otherwise it felt off kilter. It was the creeping edge of nerves about to skydive down into the unknown. The doctor's office seemed to spark the fear that in these rooms your life could take a direction you never considered.

She took a seat as the lady said the doctor would be shortly in. The lady closed the door heading off into another part of her day. El wondered if the lady was on her way to guide another patient or make the minuscule chit chat with her other employees. Do they get some kind of alert in their head signaling what these patients are here for or is it all a relatively blank canvass. She hoped it was all relatively a blank canvass. The thought of someone else knowing important information pertaining to her left chills across her skin.

She looked back to see Mrs. Navarro closing the door. She wore scrubs with tiny bears scattered across the fabric. Like the lady, her  fiery locks were fastened in a ponytail. El turned around before they made eye contact to try and prolong more time before the reveal of the results.

Mrs. Navarro walked over to a brown metal filing cabinet to pull out El's folder. A little flutter of a simile danced across El's face once Mrs. Navarro sat down. El tried to sit there in that office that was slowly moving inward.

"Mrs. Wheeler the results have come back to identify whether the cancer in malignant or benign."


That's all El could say because was she supposed to jump up and down with excitement. Little twinges of anger flowed through her veins.

"The results of the lab work have accessed that the cancer in the breast is indeed malignant. I have already advised a plan of action, but we can alter so it fits you better. I have a folder with some research on breast cancer and the different routes of treatment, specifically the one I advise you to heavily consider. I can answer any questions now, but If you have anymore then I recommend contacting the specialist nurses or the consultant's secretaries."

She wasn't in her body,  she was rocketing towards the indefinite suspension of every emotion she had inside her. She knew but she didn't. Did she want to believe she had cancer in her breast while waiting for the lab work to come back. Did she want to convince herself and start telling everyone. With the question not permanently sealed of whether or not she had it, she kept living her life. Going through the motions as the sun rises and the sun sets.

El's misty eyes looked at the picture of Mrs. Navarro and her three grandchildren. They were strawberry picking and the little kids had huge smiles as they all tried to fill up a basket of their own. A soft smiled was held on El's lips as she stood up.

"I can see this is a lot to digest, but we need discuses treatment. Within the next week please call to get a meeting set up. Have a good day Mrs. Wheeler."

El walked out of the room somehow making it out of the building and into her car starting the ignition. She pulled out of the parking lot going straight home. She hadn't told Mike about the possibility of the cancerous tissue in her breast. She didn't know if she wanted to tell Mike because this would become real. She knew the malignant tissue was real, but then it would become known, it would be in the history of them. Somehow if she said nothing it would go away because then it couldn't spread into her life.

The car sat still in the driveway. Tears had formed and hadn't stopped flowing since she parked. She wanted to live after all she had gone through she just wanted to live. She felt she had overcome many hurdles yet everyone equaled another struggle.

The keys turned opening the door. Mike was in the kitchen preparing dinner. He looked so happy in his apron, but she needed him.

He was cooking when El came home looking a little disheveled. He quickly came over to her wrapping her in his arms. Their magic connection told him it was serious.

She broke down in his arms as they slid to the floor. She soaked his apron, but he didn't notice. He had just put the chicken in the oven which wouldn't be done for awhile.

She had cried until her tear ducts were dry. She looked up into his eyes, the eyes with caring tones but with an undercurrent of passion.

"Mike I went to the doctor's office a few weeks ago for a checkup and she said there was a possibility of me having breast cancer. They did lab work that day and the results came in. That's where I've been today. The results said the tissue is cancerous."

He was frightened because cancer could potentially mean death. It was scary going into the future but now with the unknown of how this would end. He pushed his feelings aside because he was going to be strong. She needed to feel this wasn't immediate death. They would navigate this unpredictable journey together because they wouldn't lose each other again.

"We're going to get through this. We'll take it day by day together."

He cupped her cheek in his hand. Mike was her certainty in that moment but indefinitely.

In all their moments they carried each other. Time went on but they were stable together. The always found strength within their love.

The precipice of the unknown could never be reached, not a single person knew the future they would lead. Holding each other was their past, present, and future. Colors both dull and vibrant would continue to ignite their world. Time can take future seconds into the past and could solidify her into the past as well. Yet it truly could never do such a thing because even the minuscule conversations can leave an impact.

-Suggestions are welcome

-Any predictions for when season 4 will come out?

-I'd have to say January of 2021

-I feel like this is kind of different, so hopefully you like it

-Song: All Is Well by Austin Basham 

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