Blurry Sunset

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But it's too late to go back.

I can see the darkness, through the cracks.

Daylight fading, I curse the breaking.

The day is gone.

The day is gone.

The morning shine poked through the curtains a beam directly lading on her face. The bright warm heat switched her dream to Mike and her sitting at Lover's Lake at a small bonfire where he showed her how to roast marshmallows. It was warm cloudless night with light breeze coming off the lake. Mike and her shared a chair lightly draped up in blankets as she leaned her head into the crook of his neck as he absentmindedly hummed their song.

Unfortunately, she woke up as the feeling of that real relieved night evaporated from her sight. She sighed as she ripped the blankets off her to go to the bathroom. She trudged in their feeling off kilter, so she splashed cold water onto her face. The ice like water jolted her to the realization of what today was. It was the one year anniversary of her departure from Hawkins, Indiana.

She moved in a slow pace stuck in a daze of emotions. In her small room alloted to just her she sat down to catch her breath going through her anxiety solving tactics. They had kindly allowed her to have psychotherapy, so she could use her power to her fullest strength. They pretty much accommodated her to whatever she needs, but they weren't exactly friendly. She spent most of her time holed up in her room instead of venturing out into the facility. They would never let her outside because of the dangers lurking in society. They tried to make her feel human, but she felt like the test subject she was. Life was a lot different a year ago. She shed a tear because she wanted to be home and that wasn't a possibility anymore.

The tactics weren't working and she couldn't seem to get herself to move. Her heart felt like it would burst out of her chest, each beat faster than the next. She had to get up and get someone because it had never gotten so bad before. She stood up as a crashing wave of dizziness  knocked her to the ground. She wasn't hurt so she crawled into a corner of her room hugging her knees tight trying to outlast her attack. She felt like she was slipping and there was nothing to stop her. Her mind selected the memory she wanted to incinerate; she was going to relieve the worst day of her life.

A year ago she made the decision that would forever change her entire life course. She had worn down the letter she had received a couple months ago. It was from a secret agency in the United States government. They had asked for her help in aiding them to figure out the Upside Down, but she hadn't been forced her to join. She was at her freewill to decline or accept their proposition.

At first she thought the proposal was ridiculous because there was more to it than just helping. She'd have to leave everything and everyone behind and how could she do that. They also informed her there was a potential risk of death which was off putting. It seemed absurd, but as time went on she thought more about it. She knew deep down she should take the offer because she was being selfish if she stayed. She could help end this interdimensional chapter in all their lives; she definitely had the willpower and determination to.

The letter creased with smudges from her fingers prints made the letter look years older. As she grabbed the letter to examine it once again she realized it was now or never. She couldn't use the excuses and the one more days because she'd never leave if she did. It was conflicted feeling logged in her heart and mind. How do you say goodbye. She knew her decision was abrupt she never told them about the proposition given to her. She could never find the right time or the words so how could she ever do this. She had risked her life voluntarily and sacrificed her happiness, but this was different. She would be leaving permanently without them having the slightest clue until she told them.

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