All the Time In the World

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Cause when You unfold me and tell me you love me

And look in my eyes

You are my perfection, my only direction

The quaint house was quiet except for the muffled footsteps from Mike's upstairs. El was at the college taking a human anatomy class. Mike was looking for their memory box, but he couldn't remember where El had placed it. Checking the closet he found it, but stumbled upon an envelope full of letters.

The letters, addressed to Mike, were in a yellow packing envelope. Scrawled atop the letters were titles for specific future events or dates. The last letter fluttered to the ground with no title to name it.

Mike curious set the other letters down to grab and read it. The color drained from his face.

El unlocked the door to find a dark living room. She thought Mike wasn't home realizing it was a perfect time to write more letters. She headed upstairs to find Mike on their bed with the letters scattered around. The color drained from her face.

Mike looked up to El. A smile tugged at his lips, but he furrowed his brows and kept his hurt look.

"Mike, please stop reading. I know you're hurt, but I don't want this to be a big deal," El spoke.

"Don't make this a big deal huh. So you want me to forget my girlfriend wrote letters for when she's dead," he spat full of frustration and betrayal

"You were never supposed to find them. The letters would find you."

"What the hell is that supposed to mean. You know what I need... I need the truth. I just can't get these letters for the rest of my life as a replacement of you."

"Mike, I'm not okay," El whispers. She winces at her words finally letting the truth flow free.

"El you're going to get better, I promise you I'll find a way. But this is different you wrote letters for when you're gone. You really don't have hope," frustration is layered with every word.

He's angry at her for the letters, for her loss of hope. He's torn because it isn't her fault for what's happening. He's angry at the world for creating this amazing girl and taking her away just as fast. He was being confronted by the darkening truth, he didn't know how to help her. He knew what was happening but not at the rate it's progressing. It's all going so fast, the time slipping between his fingers. His grasp not strong enough to slow it down. It's killing him inside, but he made a promise to her and he isn't going to break one now.

El thought that if she never said the words out loud she wouldn't perish to her powers. The days go on and she feels her power manifesting, growing beyond her control. She has these moments where she doesn't remember anyone, even Mike. She's afraid to admit the reality she's in.

She loses her memories in an instant. Her whole life a blank canvas. Unfamiliar people surround her; she's frightened and confused. From the mound of emotions anger rises to the surface. The unrelenting people make El feel like the room is too small, it's all too much triggering her powers. She blackouts only to find the littered damage nearby. She feels broken like a glow stick cracked in half no longer shining but leaking toxic fumes.

A few days ago her powers took control and she flung Mike into a wall. She regained consciousness exhausted but frantic once she found Mike unconscious. She's beyond scared at times denial is the thing to keep her from feeling like her whole world isn't self destructing in fiery flames.

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