Midnight Insomnia

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I feel the trembling tingle of a sleepless night

Creep through my fingers and the moon is bright

Beams of blue come flickering through my window pane

Like gypsy moths that dance around a candle flame

The moonlight streamed into the kitchen through the window. It was a partly cloudy night with a nice cool summer breeze, rustling the trees. If you looked out the window you could see the stars twinkling, coming more alive each second. The longer you looked the more stars that came into focus.

El had woken up and the only way to cure her insomnia was a warm cup of milk. She had made sure to not wake Mike up because he'd be a worry bug. She loved that he cared deeply for her, but it was just her nightly routine.

She opened the cupboard to grab her favorite mug, which used to be Hop's mug. She held it to her chest taking a deep breath. Setting it on the counter she grabbed the milk, as the fridge door creaked in response of being opened.

The microwave beeped as the pad of her finger pressed start. The window above the sink led to the view of their backyard. The beautiful oak tree swayed back and forth, dancing with the midnight air. She was startled by the microwave, which signaled the warm cup of milk was ready.

The warmth from the cup heated her hands. The night was nice so she stayed looking through the window up into sky. She slowly drank the milk savouring the warmth that was beginning to coax her body into sleepiness. She closed her eyes as she took a final sip of her milk.

Two hands wrapped around her as they perched on her baby bump. She was in her fifth month of pregnancy and everything had been going smoothly. She intertwined her hands with his so they both rested on her bump. She leaned into his chest relaxing at his touch.

"Everything okay?" he asked.

He knew it was just her nightly glass of warm milk, but he just had to ask. His brain always managed to think what if something is actually wrong. What if he isn't there or he didn't ask. So to be safe and that he loved her, he simply asked if everything was alright.

"Yeah, everything's fine. I just needed a warm cup of milk that's all."


He smiled into the crook of her neck as he gently kissed her sweet spot.

An overwhelming feeling of giddiness erupted at the touch of his lips on her skin. She was happy, but sadness crept inside her heart. After all these years it was still a fresh wound to reappear and sadden her spirits.

Mike could tell right away she wasn't all there with him in the kitchen. He knew something weighed downed inside her heart and he knew who it was. He held her a little more tightly as she wandered down memory lane. He knew to give her some time to pass the initial fresh wave of sorrow. He did squeeze her hands to reassure he was with her and wasn't going anywhere.

She stayed there leaning into his chest as the memory of Hop revisited her again. With the pregnancy, she wished with her whole heart he could be with her. To give Mike advice on being a dad because Mr. Wheeler certainly didn't have an abundance of guidance for Mike. She had wanted to plan a cute surprise to tell Hop and see his reaction of whether he wanted to kill Mike or be overfilled with joy. She thought he'd be a little bit of both and she couldn't help the tear that ran down her cheek. She yearned for him to be a part of this journey, but he had been part of a different journey in her life. She could be thankful for that.

"I miss him Mike. I really miss him."

"I do too."

He held her as the silent tears rolled down the cheeks of his wife. He held her in the silent kitchen the one to comfort her in the middle of the night. The moonbeams shined across them as he held her because words couldn't take away the pain of losing her dad. He held her as that little bit of leftover milk became cold again.

Once the surge of grief had passed she turned around to face Mike. He looked down at her bump and gave her the most heartwarming smile, which was what she needed. A smile took form on her face because they had created a life, which was growing inside of her. She smiled because Mike would become a father of their baby girl and be just like Hop it certain aspects.

She laughed at Mike getting backhanded with karma once their daughter started dating.

"Hey what are you laughing at."

"How you're going to get a taste of your own medicine when she starts dating."

"Ha ha ha, but I think I've already learned something from Hop. Who knew he was unintentionally giving me dad advice when we were kids."

This truly made her heart melt, so leaned into kiss him. He of course met her half way because he didn't mind a little midnight kiss.

"We should get back to bed before the sun rises."

"Mike it isn't even near sunrise."

"I know but I want to snuggle in our comfy bed. Plus we both look like we're about to fall asleep and I've noticed the kitchen floor isn't comfortable."

She knew she was tired and probably looked really tired, so the thought of snuggling in bed sounded perfect. She grabbed his hand and lead him to their bedroom. They climbed into bed snuggling as they peacefully fell asleep. The stars twinkled and shone as a proud Hop looked down on them.

-I suck at updating, even though I have so many story ideas

-I did love the season despite some evident flaws

-Mileven is endgame

-Song: Empty Chairs by Don Mclean

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