Severed Ties with the Past

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This is where it ends

The pages left all torn

Threads flying loose now

Final words all done

The late November wind sent blasts of cold air to the pedestrians. She was among them making her way the quaint coffee house, which was nestled between a convenience store and an old book shop.

The bags under her eyes were dark and noticeable, but she had not deemed it worthy enough to put makeup on. She had slightly combed her brown locks that reached her shoulders, as well as brushed her teeth before she talked to anyone. She zipped up her navy blue coat stuffed with a matching pair of gloves and a hat. She was prepared to make the trek from her apartment building to spend money for the energy she desperately needed.

She was in no mood to converse, so she walked in hoping to seem as unapproachable as possible. She just wanted to get back and start on her thesis analysis as soon as possible.

"Jane!" Thomas yelled excitedly.

She internally groaned as she remembered Thomas was working tonight. She made a mental note to walk to the other coffee house a little further from her building on Thursdays. She didn't want to be rude so she gave him a small smile.

"Hey, Jane. What can I get you on this fine evening?" he asked.

He stared directly at her not breaking eye contact because that was purely who he was. After what seemed forever he gave her a lopsided grin and looked ready to begin speaking again. She hadn't realized she never gave him her order, so before he could say anything she put her voice into action.

"Hey, Thomas. Can I get a large hot coffee with an added shot of espresso and two strawberry danishes please."

"Yes you may Princess Jane."

He gave her a little bow before beginning to fulfill her order. A small smile formed on her lips which she didn't let last long.

Since moving to Maine for college she'd only made a small group of friends. She had been introduced to Thomas at a party by her best friend Josie sophomore year and from then on he hadn't stopped trying to win her affection. She didn't necessarily hate him but she had already sworn off love.

He placed her danishes in a white paper bag and her coffee on the counter. She handed over a ten dollar bill to which he gave it to her right back.

"It's on the house," he nonchalantly spoke.

She raised her eyebrows at him which projected her motherly stare. She often did that without realizing she was doing it.

"Before you give me a lecture I won't get in trouble so don't worry. You also look like you're in for a long night which requires these goodies, so all expenses are paid by me," he assured her.

"Thank you Thomas. I really appreciate it," she said with honesty.

"Are you going to Josie's annual Thanksgiving dinner next week?" he asked.

"Umm... I have nothing better to do and Josie is my best friend. She is also becoming a professional chef, so I wouldn't want to miss out on all that delicious food."

"Nice. I got an invite and just wanted to know if there's any interesting people to hangout with. So far you're the only person going who's not an open book."

"Yep, that's me. I'm definitely not an open book," she quietly said.

"Hey Jane."

"Yeah Thomas?"

Mileven-OneshotsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang