The Smell of Coffee

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Oh What A Marvel To See Our Dreams So Realized

She contemplated on whether or not this would be a good idea, but the urge was too strong. She scooped out some peanut butter on a spoon and drizzled hot sauce over it. Before she could decide against it she gulped it down. It had actually tasted good and El was a little weirded out by it. She had never thought peanut butter and hot sauce would mix.

El was ready to savor her new found discovery when she heard Nancy coming down the stairs. She was back for Christmas as all of the kids were.

"Hey El."


El ate the spoonful of her concoction as Nancy got a better look of what she was eating.

El tightened the lid around the jar of peanut butter and placed it into the cabinet.

"Were you just eating hot sauce and peanut butter?"


El didn't understand the grossed out face Nancy was making. Sure she knew hot sauce and peanut butter didn't exactly go together, but it had been quite delicious.


"Hot sauce drizzled on peanut butter makes me want to throw up and I just saw you eat that like you really enjoyed it. I'm just a little flabbergasted that you would eat anything like that."

El shrugged her shoulders not knowing how to respond. She thought the combination was unique but not throw up worthy. She questioned herself on how she even came up with the combination in the first place.

"I was just sitting on the couch with Mike in the basement and he was eating peanut butter toast and then a commercial for hot sauce came on, then I got this urge to combine them. I was sitting there beginning to really crave it and then I decided I was going to make it for myself. I didn't feel like I was going to throw up while eating it, in fact I really liked it."

Nancy scrunched up her nose in disapproval. She couldn't fathom how someone could think that was a good pairing, let alone enjoy it.

"So when is Jonathan getting here?"

"Well he had to pick of Mrs. Byers and then pick up Will at the airport this morning, so I'm not exactly sure when he should get here. If I had to give a rough estimate then probably in about three or four hours."

The smell of coffee became pungent in the kitchen, which didn't sit well with El. It begun to really bother her and before she knew it she was bolting to the bathroom. The food she had eaten earlier in the day came up burning in her throat. Nancy had quickly followed her, so while El vomited she held El's hair up.

El wiped her mouth with the back of her sleeved hand. She felt exhausted combined with the lingering nauseous feeling. She didn't know what had set her off or maybe her experiment had caught up with her. Nancy helped her get up and found her an unused toothbrush to expel the putrid vomit breath.

Once El had cleaned up she came back into the kitchen once again hit with the overwhelming sense of nausea. Her face scrunched up into disgust at the smell that wasn't agreeing with her, which she realized was the coffee Nancy had made.

"It's the coffee Nancy. I feel like I'm gonna throw up again, so I'm going to go downstairs."

Nancy hurriedly poured the rest of the coffee down the sink drain, so the coffee smell wouldn't remain. She then followed El downstairs because she was a little worried about her.

"Are you okay El."

"I'm a little better. The coffee smell is almost nonexistent down here, so I don't think I'll throw up again."

"I'm wondering why you became so nauseous because of the coffee smell, but you ate that horrid concoction of hot sauce and peanut butter."

"I have no idea, but I've been a little sensitive to certain smells. I've also noticed in the morning I get a little nauseous."

"Does Mike know about any of this."

"He doesn't know about the nausea in the morning because he leaves for work before I even get up. I don't want him to worry, so I haven't told him. He does know I've been irritated by certain smells and he's been annoyed because he's had to go to the store a lot the last two weeks. I've been loving pickles and my usual strawberry ice cream more than usual lately. Not to be weird but my breasts have gotten a lot more tender as well."

Nancy was a little dumbfounded on how El and Mike hadn't connected the dots. There was a simple explanation as to why El had been craving food, feeling nauseous in the morning, getting agitated be certain smells, and having her breasts feel more tender.

"El the reason behind this and to be frank I'm a little surprised on how you guys didn't realize it."

"Realize what?"

Mike came out of the bathroom making his way over to the girls. He sat down by El and gave her a quick kiss on the cheek. He looked at Nancy waiting for her to tell them what she had realized.

"Well I'm pretty positive El is pregnant.".

El squealed with excitement while Mike was frozen in shock. Once he took in his wife's reaction he couldn't help but join in her excitement. They were going to have a baby which was something they had always wanted. She had always hoped she'd be able to start a family with Mike and now it was happening. She wrapped her arms around Mike and leaned in to give kiss him, which he gladly met her half way. They both parted with evident joy on their faces.

Nancy became excited as well, it was like El's excitement was contagious. She smiled at the two lovebirds before her. She knew they would be the best parents to the little boy or girl growing inside El's stomach.

-I didn't want to depress you guys too much, so hopefully you smiled while ready this

-If you have any suggestions you can comment below

-Song: Countdowns by Sleeping At Last

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