Torn Away

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Could we come close to havin' it all

The summer of love.

She placed her hand on his cheek; her thumb wiping the tears from his eyes. They were both broken. Hurting like they've never hurt before.

She had to leave. She didn't want to leave. She was doing it for them.

He couldn't hide the emotions rolling over his face. He wasn't strong like her, but she always insisted he was. He wanted to hold on to her and be selfish. In the moment he didn't care about the repercussions if she didn't leave. His mind and heart were directed on the thoughts of how it'd be when she'd be gone. He wanted their lives to not tear them apart as they settled in normalcy together.

It was killing her to leave him. She couldn't let the thoughts override her potential last moments with him. She wanted to scream at the universe for separating them again. Unfortunately it was so much worse this time because they had a taste of a life together. She wanted the sun to come up and still be in his arms. She wanted to press pause in this moment to capture every detail of Mike. She looked at him like she'd never set eyes on him before, she had to hold this moment with her forever.

He didn't want her to be isolated, even if it wasn't with him she deserved to have a normal life. She saved their asses time after time. He knew she said yes to the offer so she could yet again protect them. She was courageous and selfless and it was one of the abundant reasons why he loved her. His life changed the day he found her and he couldn't treasure that day more. He had found his soulmate and he'd find his way back to her.

She had never known what true love was or what it meant until Mike. That boy loved her with every fiber in his body. People easily saw Mike's love for El, but El's love was quiet. It wasn't blatantly showcased, but it was fierce with passion. She loved that boy with everything she had.

She loved every flaw and perfection he had; she loved the simple moments they shared. The love she had for Mike with every second grew. Sometimes she thought she'd die from her overflowing love for the boy that captured her heart.

Looking into each other's eyes they held this moment together. They both knew the future may not be kind to them, but that didn't stop them. She would go and save them, but she'd come back to him.

They didn't speak because they didn't need to. They understood how precious this moment was and frantic speeches would only ruin it. They kept their gaze on each other while everything else faded.

Nothing ever lasts long as Hopper signaled to El it was time. She nodded which meant it was all real. She wasn't dreaming this was all happening now. She let the tears fall not ashamed to be vulnerable. She smiled at him as he gave her a kiss on the forehead. She still blushed when he showed his affection in kisses.

She hugged him a little tighter before she let go. She started to pull away but Mike was still holding on. She gave him a look and he gave her the puppy dog face, which made her laugh. He reluctantly let go, but glad he got to hear her laugh.

She had started walking away and she knew she shouldn't look back. Instead of looking back, she ran back into his arms and kissed him with such passion they were both surprised. He kissed her back with equal passion. She had her hands on his chest and his hands were around her back. Their foreheads touching as they were gaining back much needed oxygen.

"I couldn't leave without a goodbye kiss Wheeler."

He smiled against her forehead as he held her closer to him.

"I love you El Hopper."

El looked up at Mike as those words left his lips. She knew their love was rare and they had found it so young. If they had to wait for their happiness together, so they could have a lifetime of it they would wait.

"I love you too Mike Wheeler."

They separated after a minute of exchanging lovey dovey looks.

"You owe you a favor once I save your asses again."

"What would that be Miss El."

She giggled at him for calling her Miss El. He once again felt proud that he got to be the one to see her beautiful face light up.

"I haven't made up my mind yet, but I'll tell you when I see you again."

With that she let go and began walking across the mall parking lot to the helicopter and a disapproving Hopper. She didn't turn back because it would only make leaving him harder.

He watched as she climbed into the helicopter as Hopper put a blanket around her shoulders. They had ordered everyone to get a safe distance away, so they could take off. As he watched the helicopter take off into the midnight sky he knew that favor was a promise to see each other


-Song: Hold Me While You Wait-Lewis Capaldi

-The trailer was so fucking good

-Suggestions are welcome

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