Heart Eyes

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Heaven is a place I know when I'm with you

The water swaying to the air while simultaneously catching the evening sun. The grass sprouted between their toes while dirt marked their skin. The Sun brilliant and bright cast light over where they lay. The breeze fighting off the heat gave waves of chills in unexpected moments.

They had spent the day with nature beside Lover's Lake. Mike had planned a quaint little picnic to enjoy a summer's day to themselves. They hadn't had much time alone together, so this little escape was much needed.

El laid her head on Mike's chest closing her eyes taking in the serene moment. Mike was relieved at having El there with him so he let himself breath. They were able to appreciate the quietness of the evening.

The sun was setting and soon they would have to pack up and get El home. Hopper was still very protective, but he had slowly gained trust with Mike. Mike was thankful for that every day, though he wondered when he'd screw up that.

El opened her eyes to the glorious view of an approaching Hawkin's sunset. Her irises reflected nature's moment. She sighed with happiness.

"Mike we should go back in the water before we leave."

Mike thought El was a mermaid because she truly loved the water. She had made Hopper buy her pool so she could swim whenever she wanted. She was always trying to get the party to go to the beach. Surprise water gun fights or ballon fights were El's specialty. She was a mermaid and nothing could convince Mike otherwise.

"Sure El."

He loved being in the water maybe not as much as El though. The stillness at times or raging current undertaking everything in its aquatic reach. It was how his life and been the last couple years. Things are normal for awhile and then their submerged in interdimensional chaos. So days like this reminded him it's alright to live in the moment.

They waded into the cool water while holding hands. They always had to be touching that's just how it was. The simple touch of each other was enough for a lifetime. It was warmth flowing from each other and the slight squeeze to say I'm not going anywhere.

They were fully in only heads sticking out from the turquoise hued water. They were looking at  each other, such a thing to do when your in love. El's cheeks were painted with a nice blush from Mike's gaze on her. He was smirking because just the sight of her made his whole entire day.

El went under so he did the same. He came up before her to see the rare beauty that was El Hopper. It was quadrupled when she rose from the water as droplets clung to her sun kissed skin. His stomach took a trip on his favorite ride at the amusement park which is called Undeniably in Love with El. His eyes turned into hearts only for her.

Water droplets were in her slicked back hair and on her face. The sun was at just the right angle casting a golden glow on the girl in front of him. The only thing to do was to take in the beauty before him. To live in this moment and treasure her forever.

She opened her eyes to see Mike staring at her like he was trained to do it his whole life. Her smile touched her eyes as she moved closer to him.

He was paralyzed by her and he couldn't break out of it to tell her how pretty she looked. The word were logged in his throat and El just smiled at him. It was insane how one person could be this beautiful, but he never questioned why she was with him. They were two peas in a pod both bound together be and understandable connection. Putting it into simple words would be soulmates.

She looked at him with innocent eyes, but she had a desperate hunger for his sweet lips to be on hers. She couldn't wait any longer so she stood on her toes, but Mike had finally unclogged the words out of his throat.

"You are a mesmerizing beauty, but have an even better personality. I love you forever."

He met her halfway capturing her lips on his. They left the world behind to create their own. They were alive with passion their lips wanting 353 more kisses.

El had her one had on his jaw while the other tugged at his hair. Mike ran his hands up and down her back leaving a fiery path of ecstasy. With El tugging at his hair he couldn't help but let out small groans.

The sunset was full of vibrant hues of red, yellow, and orange. It was a spectacular backdrop behind them which they paused to take in. The evening would be featured in the book about their lives that El was secretly making.

The water was still and if you listened closely you could hear their heartbeats. It was a perfect way to end a memorable day.

-Suggestions are welcome

-Season 3 will put me in my own grave that I gladly dug for myself

-Song: Heaven is a Place by Amber Run

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