
31 4 0

iso·late | \ ˈī-sə-ˌlāt
transitive verb 
:  to set apart from others


five years ago


Three weeks before the end of spring semester, Joel shows up at Gray's place with a bouquet of flowers and an announcement.

"I got a job back in Crocus," he says as Gray searches the kitchen for a vase for the flowers. They're soft, pink roses with petals that feel like silk under Gray's fingertips. "At Ekhart and Wilson."

"Really?" Gray turns to Joel with raised eyebrows – that's been Joel's dream since he started college. "That's awesome." Joel grins at Gray, then pulls him into his arms and kisses Gray's forehead.

"I start in July, after I graduate," Joel says, wrapping his arms around Gray's waist and looking at him seriously. "So you'll have time to talk to your guidance counsellor about transferring credits."

"Transferring?" Gray asks, frowning. Joel rolls his eyes good-naturedly.

"To the college in Crocus," he says. "I already found us an apartment – it's downtown, right near the campus and the office. You're gonna love it." He runs his fingers through Gray's hair, giving him a fond look.

"An apartment?" Gray says, starting to feel a bit off-kilter. "You mean – moving with you? To Crocus?"

Joel gives him a hurt look. "You said you wanted to live together, remember?"

"I do," Gray says quickly, trying to regain his equilibrium. The words are starting to make sense, but it feels a bit like the floor is tipping out from beneath him. They've been talking about finding a place – as much as Gray loves Erza and Jellal, this is their home, not his. But... "I just thought you meant here."

Joel sighs, ruffling Gray's hair. "There's nowhere for me to work here, silly." Gray nods – Elmsworth is a pretty small town. There's not much here except the college, a few crappy diners, and the bowling alley.

"I..." Gray hesitates, chewing his lip. Crocus is hours from here, and even further from his parents. He hasn't seen them much lately, though – he'd tested the waters with his mom by talking about a hypothetical trans friend, and the response had been... chilly.

"I'd have insurance at the new job," Joel adds, giving Gray a significant look. Gray frowns at him, and Joel adds, "it would help could cover hormones, if you wanted them. Or surgery."

Gray freezes. He's been talking more and more to Joel about transitioning, about finding a doctor who'd be willing to help him. He hasn't mentioned it to anyone else. With everyone other than Joel, he's still Ellie, even though he's tried over and over again to tell Natsu. It just never comes out right, and he ends up deleting the words before he can send them.

"Seriously?" he asks, and Joel gives him a wide smile, squeezing his hands. "You mean..."

"We can have a new start," Joel says. "Just you and me."


[June 11]

Natsu [19:32] i miss you, ells. i hope things are good for you.

Gray [23:35] Things are great. I'm moving to Crocus with Joel in a couple weeks.


[June 13]

Natsu [02:59] wow thats a big step! im happy for you


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