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TW for abuse and implied noncon


long·​ing | \ ˈlȯŋ-iŋ
: a strong desire, especially for something unattainable



Fall comes, and with it, believable excuses for long-sleeved shirts and scarves. Joel's work gets busier, so while he's angry more often, he also spends a lot more time at the office and leaves Gray alone.

Gray spends most of the free time picking up extra shifts at the restaurant. Joel hadn't let him leave the apartment for over a week after he'd bruised Gray's face, and Gray had almost lost his job. Lucy vouching for him being 'sick' had been the only thing that had convinced Jeremy to keep him, so now Gray's determined to make up the missing hours.

The other benefit of Joel working more is that it leaves Gray with more time to talk to Natsu. When Gray's calling card had run out of minutes, they'd both downloaded Skype. Seeing Natsu's blurry face on the phone screen for the first time had been a terrifying relief.

"You should pack up a bag," Natsu says one afternoon near the end of September. They're both lying on their beds while they chat, and Gray can see Natsu's cat Happy curled up beside him. Natsu looks content, but his voice is serious.

"Why?" Gray asks, even though he knows exactly what Natsu means.

Natsu gives Gray a look. "I know you can't leave," he says, "but what if you wanted to, one day? Or you had to?"

Gray presses his face into the pillow, letting the idea float through his mind. It seems so easy when they talk, and there have been a few times where Gray has been this close to asking Natsu to come get him.

But then Joel comes home with Gray's favorite coffee, or takes him out for dinner, or tells Gray he loves him, and Gray feels so guilty. He has to stay. Joel needs him.

"What would I put in it?" Gray asks eventually, peeking up at Natsu.

"Your license," Natsu says immediately. Gray has a feeling he's rehearsed this. "Any paperwork you have – birth certificate, or name change paperwork, things like that."

"Joel has all that at work," Gray says dully, hugging the pillow to his stomach. "I have an ID, but I don't have a license."

"Okay, your ID then," Natsu says. "Do you have anything with your name on it? Your health care card? SIN card?"

Gray shakes his head, refusing to look at the screen. "Joel keeps it all." He feels so small and stupid. "Everything's under his name."

Natsu sighs, and Gray can see him petting Happy out the corner of his eye. "What about a bank card? Credit card?"

"I don't have anything," Gray says, trying to push down the hot flush that's creeping up his cheeks. "He has it all." He finally looks up at Natsu again. "There's no point. I can't leave."

If he leaves, everything will fall apart. He'll have nothing – no money, no home, no insurance to pay for his meds. He'll lose Bella and his job and the life he's built.

"If I ever had to run out of the house," Natsu says slowly, "like, if it was on fire or something, right? I'd grab Happy. My keys, my phone. Probably the scarf from my dad." He scratches behind Happy's ears. "That picture of us."

Gray's quiet for a long time. He still has that picture, buried in the back of one of his textbooks that's collecting dust in the bottom of their closet.

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