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A/N Written by @inkinmyheartandonthepage. Plot minorly changed.

Warning: Stony

"Boss?" FRIDAY interrupted.

Tony mumbled against Steve's lips, whining when he pulled away. He took in his swollen lips, hisr slightly glazed eyes and smirked, pulling him back into another kiss.

"Boss," FRIDAY tried again.

"Tony," Steve sighed against his lips.

"Not now, mph, FRIDAY," Tony mumbled, pulling himslef closer so he was nearly in his lap.

"My apologies, Boss, but you wanted to be alerted if there was any change in Peter."

Tony and Steve stopped kissing, pulling back to blink at each other with confusion.

"What's wrong with Peter?" Steve asked the AI.

"Peter's body temperature has been steadily climbing since 10pm this evening and he now has a fever," FRIDAY reported.

With another frown at each other, Steve and Tony stood and moved quickly to Peter's room. Slowly turning the knob on the door, Tony pushed it open quietly and peeked inside. His heart dropped in his chest as he saw Peter squirming uncomfortably on the bed, twisted in the sheets and whimpering softly. Where his skin was visible it was covered in a thin sheen of sweat.

Stepping into the room, Tony and Steve came to stand by Peter's bed as they looked him over.

"I'll go get a damp cloth," Steve squeezed Tony's arm.

"Yeah, okay," Tony mumbled and listened to Steve leave the room.

"Ben," Peter mumbled, twitching in the sheets. "No…mmm..sorry."

Tony sat on the edge of his bed as his knees went weak.

"Dad? Don't…go….mum?"

"Oh Peter," Tony sighed. He reached over and touched Peter's forehead, hissing at the heat that came off it. "Peter, can you wake up for me?"

Peter moaned and twisted in the sheets again, legs jerking in the sheets as he tried to fling them off. "Tony," he moaned.

"I'm here. It's going to be okay," Tony said. He glanced at the door but Steve had yet to return.

"Tony," Peter whimpered again.

Tony soothed back the damp curls from his kids face. He berated himself for not seeing that Peter wasn't feeling well and made a mental note to have a talk with Peter about keeping things to himself.

"Here," Steve came striding into the room, a damp cloth held out for Tony.

Taking it, Tony gently placed it over Peter's forehead.

Peter flinched at the first touch but almost instantly started to relax under the cooler temperature.

"There you go," Tony murmured. "You'll be back to sticking to walls in no time."

"Tony," Peter mumbled less stressfully.

"I got you kid," Tony said.

"We'll call Bruce in the morning," Steve said, placing a hand on Tony's shoulder.

"I'll stay with him tonight," Tony said. "Make sure the fever doesn't get any worse."

Steve smiled and kissed the back of Tony's head. "Okay, super dad."

Tony huffed at the term but his lips quirked up in a smile.

With another soft kiss to Tony's head, Steve left hisr boys but before he got all the way out he heard Peter speak.


"I'm here," Tony answered.

"I don't feel so good," Peter whimpered.

"You're okay," Tony voice came out choked. "Just the flu I imagine. I'm going to make it better."

"Okay," Peter said, his voice weak and small. "Thank you."

"Don't worry about it, buddy," Tony said.

Steve smiled and gently closed the door, already making a list of what he would need for tomorrow and to contact May and the others, possibly with a recording.

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Words: 592

Marvel/Peter Parker One Shots!Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon