Devilish Looks and Not So Big Reveals pt 2

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A/N Written by @me_again.


Matt arrived to work the next day well rested and much calmer. He had done some meditation last night after escaping the Avengers and finally decided the whole thing was a joke. A very well-choreographed prank to tease him for not revealing himself to them before. After some deliberation he had even decided to tell Foggy about the whole thing. His partner worried about Daredevil every night, and it was rare for Matt to have light-hearted, if embarrassing, stories to tell. Karen was out until noon running various errands, so Matt had the perfect opportunity.

Foggy took one look at his face and commanded, "Spill."

Matt did.

Foggy snickered at Laundry Day Daredevil. He growled at the casual suggestion of property damage. He was pleased with Matt's punch-free solution. But he was oddly silent during the last part.

"So the first time they saw you, your face I mean, you weren't wearing your glasses or anything and you were laughing?" Foggy asked.

"Yeah," Matt chuckled. "I'll never trust a hoody for undercover work again."

"Smirk laughing or head back huge smile laughing?" Foggy demanded.

Matt was surprised by the question.

"What? Well, I guess the second one," he frowned.

Foggy's heart was doing weird things.

This wasn't the reaction he expected. Matt was getting pretty tired of the unexpected.

"OK buddy I need you to sit down and listen to me." Foggy gently pushed Matt towards his office, and didn't stop fussing until he had Matt cornered into his chair. "Are you listening to me? Just me? This is important."

"Yes. Yes Foggy. What-"

"Matthew Michael Murdock."

Uh oh, the whole name. Matt shut up and focused.

"You are smoking hot. You make Greek statues look like pimply mall geeks. You are on everyone's sex pollen list. You have groupies who sit in court just to look at you. Do you hear what I'm saying?"

Matt stared at his friend. Foggy's heart was steady. He was telling the truth.

"You know how you think your eyes make people nervous? You're wrong. Your face is so freaking amazing traffic literally stops Matt. I've seen it. It stops."

"But you don't. Karen didn't," Matt protests.

"The glasses and Serious Matt are like an inoculation, OK? They let us get used to the idea that you're really, really good-looking before we're hit full-on with Supermodel Matt. It lets us keep our brains in gear the first time you dazzle us with the caramel bedroom eyes so we don't act like complete jackasses."


"Quit interrupting Matthew."

Matt shuts up.

"Serious Matt gives us two thoughts. 'Oh this guy is sad' AND 'Holy fuck he's handsome.' They kind of balance each other out. You following me so far?"
Matt nodded mutely.

"Happy full-faced Matt causes identity crises in gay women and straight men. I speak from experience."

Foggy stepped away from the desk as he said the last part.

“I mean yes, I finally realized I prefer sex with women and it’s not like the discovery phase was unpleasant but it was still very confusing.”

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