Chapter 2

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Percy's POV

Best friends. Aren't they just fabulous? Weird word coming from me, but anyway...Recently, after confirming my feelings towards Annabeth, I decided to go up to Nico to ask whether he was willing to help hook the two of us up. I know, I should be confessing and all, but it would definitely help if I get a little hint that she does like me back.

Why ask Nico? You might be wondering. At first, I thought that Annabeth liked him and they were secretly dating but according to Piper who is very close with Annabeth, she was only looking out for him like an older sister. That made me feel very relieved. Well, since she cares for and trusts Nico, what better choice than to ask him, right? When he agreed, I was overjoyed. Everything went well after that...

Okay, maybe except for the part when he said "OMG you're so hot."

I didn't really understand what he meant. Was it because I was drenched in sweat from all the running that he said I was hot? My mind is in a whirl. Whatever. It's best to act dumb sometimes, which was what I did. I just walked away after saying a quick goodbye...probably not the best solution but I was confused at that time okay?! I guess I cannot disagree with my nickname 'seaweed brain' now.

On my way to class, I saw the girl of my dreams - Annabeth Chase. She's so perfect! How I wish that I could just confess right there and then. Too bad, I didn't have the guts.

Class was like the usual. As soon as the teacher was not there to give out orders, everything would be in total chaos. Pencils and pens flew from my left and right as I made my way to one of the seats at the back of the class. It must have been my lucky day because Annabeth sat next to me.

"How's it going, Percy?" She asked, placing her books down and flashing me a bright smile.

"All good." I replied, trying my very best not to stare at her. That was when my sneakers suddenly became the next interesting thing.

She chuckled and took out her book to read, oblivious to all the noise in the classroom. I wonder what Nico would plan for the both of us...

I couldn't sleep so I made this chapter! XD Kay...I'm going to bed now cuz there's school tomorrow...LOL :/

~ Jan

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