Chapter 12

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Percy's POV

I am currently here in the movie theatre, trying to stop screaming and shaking violently. All the while, Nico, who is beside me, would let out laughs once in a while. How could this guy even stand such a horrifying movie like this?

I pondered for a moment before reaching out to hug Nico and burried my face in the crook of his neck. I did remember saying something about using him as my 'shield' so what better time than now? He was probably blushing but I could not tell as the theatre was pitch dark except for the light from the gigantic screen.

Gently, he pushed my arms away and I smirked.

"What are you doing, Percy? Can't we just watch the movie in peace?" Nico asked, not even sparing me a glance.

I shook my head. "No way, di Angelo. You caused this to happen so you're paying for it!" I joked.

He turned and regarded me with his dark brown eyes. The light illuminating his face made him look...I don't really know how to put it. Ghostly? I guess?

I sighed deeply and stood up to leave the movie theatre. I don't want to see another scene that will scare me out of my wits. Before I could leave, Nico grabbed my hand but pulled away quickly.

"Where are you going?"

"Just outside...I can't watch the movie anymore. It's too frightening." I admitted and sprinted out.

I was not really sure why but I felt rather upset when I realised that Nico did not follow after me. I guess the movie was more important than hanging out with me. I continued to wander around until I heard someone call my name.

"Hey Perce! Wait up!"

I spun around only to see Nico running up to me, out of breath. He had the two bottles of pepsi in one hand and a big container of popcorn in the other.

"Phew...I thought you would ditch me." I stated and took one bottle of pepsi from him.

Nico scowled at me. "More like YOU ditching ME."

I laughed and a small smile crept onto his face. "Sorry. Why don't I make it up to you with..." I glanced around and spotted an ice cream shop. "Ice cream?"

He gave me a slight nod and I put whatever that he was holding onto the table. I then led him to the shop.

I got two scoops of my fav blueberry flavoured ice cream while Nico got a simple chocolate chip flavoured one.

We walked in silence, exploring the shops, which gave me time to think. That was bad. I started to think about how Annabeth rejected me and when I saw her with Luke this morning, I just don't know anymore. He was kissing her too!

It might take me awhile to forget about her  but I'm determined to. I have to. Nico has also been very supportive towards me these days which made me feel more pumped up ever since the 'unfortunate happenings' I guess I could say.

Here's another chapter for you guysss! Hope you guys liked it. Now I'm gonna go re-read the whole PJO and HoO series. I bet ya'll are like: Been there done that *hairflip* LOL

~ Jan

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