Chapter 8

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Percy's POV

It's Monday again after the weekend which flew by in the blink of an eye. Oh well, start of the week so I'll do something interesting like find Nico a girlfriend! *sound effect* Which is Reyna! Talk about Reyna, I still need Piper's consent. She knows her stuff and I would probably suffer from a concussion if I go ahead with my plan because it's love stuff.

"Hello, Percy!" I turned and saw Jason making his way towards me. I looked for Piper but she was not there. Oh well.

"Wassup Jason!" I brofisted him. "So now onto the serious stuff. Where. Is. Piper." I looked over his shoulder just to make sure that she wasn't hiding.

He gave me a confused look and told me that she was in the library. It's rather weird since Piper is the kind to socialize and not stay in the library...reading...surprisingly, true enough, she was sitting with Nico in the corner at the back. Wait, with Nico?! What could be so important that they didn't include me? Everything's better with me!

I went over, startling them in the process. Looks like they've been so engrossed in the conversation. All the more I have to 'investigate'.

"So whatcha doing?" I asked and sat next to Nico. As if it was a natural instinct, he scooted away. I didn't know why, but I felt a tinge of sadness and hurt when he did that. Does Nico hate me now? In order to not create an awkward atmosphere, I decided to brush it off...for now.

"Just uhm...talking ya'know. Why?" Piper replied and I gestured for her to have a separate conversation with me. She got my message and after we said goodbye to Nico, we went off. She was rather silent and I started to get suspicious.

"What were you guys talking about?" I asked. Judging by Piper's expression, she didn't look like she wanted to talk about it so I just let it slip. Instead, I moved on to my intial topic - To bring Reyna and Nico together. "Forget that, anyway, have you been thinking about our conversation?"

Piper nodded but then told me that she didn't want to get involved in my plan and that she would advice me to try not hooking Nico up with anyone. Why she would say something like that, I don't know, but Nico's my best friend and I cannot stand seeing him so alone. If Piper won't help me, I'll do it myself.

The Next Day ~

I went to school earlier that day and spotted Reyna hanging around with her friends near the lockers. Gathering up my courage, I carefully went up and asked if I could have a talk with her. Her friends squealed and pushed her towards me. Okay...weird. Reyna didn't seem to have a problem with it and followed me.

When I made sure that we were in a quiet place, I told her all about my 'plan' and questioned if she would be okay to hang out with Nico later in the day. She thought about it for a moment before agreeing. I inwardly did a happy dance. Seems like everything's going well so far.

It was not long before Nico arrived.

"Hey Nico! I have a surprise for you!" I said excitedly and ran up to him, dragging Reyna behind me. He was flustered and tried running away, but I stopped him. Does this probably mean that he likes her too?

"What do you want, Percy?" He grumbled, avoiding eye contact with me. 

"Well, your mega best friend here, which is me, got you a date!!!" I pushed Reyna towards him and did the jazz hands.

Nico looked at me, shocked, as if wondering how I could be so straightforward. Uhm...sometimes, I question myself on that too. 

"P-Percy, I can't..." He shook his head, tears welling in his eyes. He turned on his heel and started sprinting off. I called after him but he paid me no notice. Next to me, Reyna looked very hurt and I just wanted to slap myself. Good going, Percy Jackson, you hurt both Nico and Reyna.

Things simply do not make any sense to me at this point.

Just to start off and before I forget, I want to thank you guys for all the votes so far. Ya'll are AWESOME!!! I didn't even think that anybody would read yea. I love ya'll!!!
P.S. Guys!!! Is Chapter 7 even visible to all of you? Cuz it got messed up and it's like...blank. *freaks out* I don't even know anymore!

~ Jan

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