Chapter 7

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Nico's POV cannot be happening. Okay, it might be confusing so let's rewind to this morning of a 'beautiful' Sunday, when the one and only Piper McLean gave me a phone call that could have given me a heart attack. *cue the Demi Lovato*

In the Morning ~

I woke up to the ringing of my phone. I cursed inwardly. I just couldn't get to go to sleep till the late afternoon huh...I checked the caller ID. It's just Piper so I considered ignoring it but who cares.

"Nico! I'm so sorry! I messed up big time!" Piper screamed into the phone so loudly that I had to put my phone away from my ear for awhile.

"Calm down, beauty queen. What happened?" I asked sleepily, knowing that she was probably complaining about something minor again, but her next sentence shocked me and suddenly, I was not so sleepy anymore.

" I posted a picture with a broken heart on Tumblr and the caption was 'Ever had to help a heartbroken person?', Percy saw it and somehow got the craziest idea of hooking you and Reyna up together..." Piper's voice trailed off and I could tell that she was very nervous.

My eyes widened and I shot up from bed. "He what?! Me and Reyna- wait, huh? Are you serious? He wants ME with REYNA? The girl in class whom I don't even hang out with? Piper!!!"

"I'm so sorry okay? I was just really bored that day and never really put much thought into the post. Who knew Seaweed Brain had such a...CREATIVE MIND?" She wailed.

"Oh fine...I guess it's not your fault either, but really? You just HAD TO wake me up at like...10 a.m. and tell me all this?!" I groaned and laid back down on my bed before pulling the blanket over me.

"Yea...and I don't really know what to do except tell you this. Nico, you have to tell Percy that you're gay. Like...everyone already knows you're not straight." Piper sighed.

"WTH Piper? What did you do now? What do you mean everybody?" I complained into the phone. She immediately rephrased her sentence in a state of panic.

"I'll think about it, Piper, but for now, please let me go back to sleep." I said and hung up the phone, not waiting for her response. Soon, I was back in dreamland.

My alarm clock rang at 1 in the afternoon and I got out of bed happily. My senses must have been in the right place then because the conversation between Piper and I from 3 hours ago replayed itself in my head.

Let's just say, I can expect Percy to come to me with Reyna more often? NOT COOL.

Yayyy! Another update just cuz' I love ya'll! I'm sure most of you have finished reading The Blood Of Olympus so yea...there's Willico Solangelo. No offense to their shippers, but I'm truthfully quite upset that most of the Percico shippers have gone over to ship Willico. Well, it's their choice and I respect that, but for me, Percico is for eternity. XD

P.S. Sorry for reposting this kinda got messed up on my phone so yea...IDEK what happened. XD

~ Jan

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