Chapter 22

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Nico's POV

This is why I love when Jason and Piper have a casual chat with me and Percy. They sure know how to make me laugh like a crazy person. Percy was no different either.

We were disappointed when they had to leave but they also promised to come back to visit next time.

I suggested inviting Luke and Annabeth over too but Percy was slightly reluctant for that to happen.

"Why don't you want them to come over, Perce?" I questioned.

"It's really nothing, Nico. I just don't want any awkward situations you know...cuz she was my crush in the past." He pouted.

I chuckled and kissed his cheek. "Oh Percy. Like what you said. It was in the past. I'll be fine and I promise you, there won't be any awkward situations okay?"

After much persuasion, I succeeded in getting him to agree. However, when I called Annabeth up, she said that Luke was not free and if we were okay with it, she could come alone.

I agreed and she said that she will come over in the evening.

In The Evening ~

"Hey Nico! Percy! Open the door!" Annabeth yelled and knocked on the door.

I smiled and ran up to open the door for Annabeth. She had a grin on her face as she handed me a wrapped up present.

"Come on in!" I happily gestured for her to come and sit down on the couch where Percy was already sitting.

"Hey Percy!" Annabeth exclaimed and he gave a smile and nod in response. "Your apartment is way pretty, you guys! I wish my house looked this nice."

"So how's life with Luke? I heard you guys are engaged." I brought up a topic to break the awkward silence.

She nodded excitedly and showed us the diamond ring on her ring finger. "Isn't it so pretty?"

I had to admit, I was slightly envious of her but at the same time, I was also really happy for her. She has always acted like a sister to me though Piper came first so I have to show some gratitude as well.

Percy looked uncomfortable and kept squirming in his seat. Annabeth noticed this and sighed.

"Look, I don't want things to be awkward between us alright? The past is in the past and it's pretty obvious. You guys were just meant to be together." She stated, her gaze adverting back and forth between me and Percy.

Slowly, we nodded, taking in her words.

"Now that's what I'm talking about. Group hug?" She spread her arms out wide and Percy and I obliged.

After a while more of chatting, Annabeth had to leave. When she had left, both of us opened the present that she brought along.

We gasped at the sight inside the box. It was a beautiful dream catcher that we could hang up in our room. I've always wanted a dream catcher and I was extremely happy that Annabeth got one for us.

"So you see? It wasn't so bad right?"

"You're right." Percy said, engulfing me in a tight embrace.


I just had to let them clear things between each other. It makes me feel like I'm not leaving anything hanging from the previous chapters. :)


~ Jan

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