Chapter 17

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Nico's POV

I may or may not have handled the situation well. It probably seemed like I was rushing and it is because I was. I had to stay back in class to help the teacher carry some books and I was going to be late for my 'meeting' with Jason.

It was going to be Percy's birthday soon and we have decided to throw him a fantabulous party. We discussed with his mum ahead of time and told her to play along with us and tell poor Percy that he would not have a birthday party.

Ehh...I'm pretty sure he'll buy it. He is THE seaweed brain so...

After Jason and I have decided and planned Percy's birthday party, we texted a few friends from school to invite them. Like Leo, Luke, Piper...It is gonna be a blast!

I called Percy while I was at Jason's house and he sounded rather disappointed. Seems like the plan is working out just fine. I also kept the conversation simple and short in case he wants me to reveal any secretive information about the party.

"Hey Nico!" Bianca greeted as I entered the room that we shared with Hazel too. However Hazel was not at home...probably with Frank.

"Sup Bianca!" I replied and plopped onto the couch.

"So how was school and your planning at Jason's today?" She asked. I told her what happened and she nodded once in a while, expressing that she found the idea great.

"Nice! But you guys better not take it too far. He might get it the wrong way." Bianca advised and I agreed.

My phone rang and it was Percy who was calling. I smiled and answered the call.

"Heyyyyyy!!!" I exclaimed.

"Hey Neeks. Is everything alright? You're not like...trying to avoid me or something?" Percy questioned innocently.

I shook my head, laughing softly to myself. It was just like Bianca said. He did get it the wrong way.

"Of course I'm not ignoring you, Percy! Why would I?" I responded, trying my best not to break out into a fit of laughter.

"Oh, that's good to hear." Percy sighed in relief. "Okay ya later. Love you."

I blushed and giggled before replying with a 'Love you too' and hung up. I looked up only to catch Bianca staring at me weirdly and fake gagging.


"Oh it's guys are so cute."

"Ooookay? So, tell me about your school. Any boys who caught your attention lately? You can bring him along to Percy's surprise party. I'm sure Perce won't mind." I winked at her.

Her cheeks turned a light shade of pink and she hit my arm playfully. "Oh shut up."

I smirked as she walked briskly out of the room. She totally has a crush.

WOOHOOOO!!! WE'RE AT 1K READS!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH YOU AWESOME PEOPLE!!! Sorry if this chapter was rather short...chapter 18 will hopefully be longerrrrr!!!


~ Jan

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