Chapter 25

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This last chapter is dedicated to ToniBirch for all her votes and her sweet comments. Thank you so much! ❤❤❤


Percy's POV

The trip is awesome so far! On the first day, we went sightseeing in a place near Nico's hometown.

Today was the last day but instead of going for more sight-seeing, I planned for a candlelit dinner.

Nico was very excited and so was I but at the same time, I was crazy nervous. What if I mess up? All the negative thoughts flood my mind and I tried my best to shrug it off. I don't want Nico worrying about me.

I left the hotel room to prepare the venue early so that I could give Nico a surprise with the seaside view and all.

Let's just put it that Nico was definitely shocked when he saw what I had prepared. I'm proud of myself. I pulled out the chair for him and he took his seat.

"I can see that you put in a lot of effort." Nico smirked and I nodded.

"Sure did."

We went ahead to enjoy the food after it had arrived.

After Dinner ~

I looked around nervously and Nico got worried. Of course.

"Is anything wrong Perce?" He questioned.

My heart was pounding against my chest like crazy but I went ahead and went down on one knee, pulling out a small box from the small compartment in my jacket.

Nico's eyes widened and he covered his mouth in shock. "P-Percy...w-what..."

I shushed him with a laugh.

"Nico di Angelo, you know that I'm not good with these kind of speeches so I'll make it short kay?"

Nico rolled his eyes and I took that as a sign to continue.

"Nico, I know I tell you this all the time but I love you. I really do. A LOT. I wanna be with you for the rest of my life. Will you marry this dork?" I looked up at him hopefully.

He already had tears in his eyes and he nodded as I slid the diamond ring onto his ring finger.

Nico immediately engulfed me in a hug.

However, he pulled away with a worried expression. I seemed to read his mind.

"Yes, Nico, I asked your dad."

"Gods, I love you." He pulled me into his embrace once again.

We hurried back to our seats when we saw the waiter approaching with the dessert which was our favourite, ice cream.

I took a little of the ice cream and spread some across his cheek. He glared at me and scooped some up with the spoon. I immediately knew what was going to happen and got out of my seat.

"Hey! Come back! You lil' shit!" Nico screamed as I continued running ahead of him, laughing my head off.

"You know you love me!" I shouted back. We spent the rest of the evening just running around the beach until we got too tired and returned to the hotel room.

//this takes place 10 years later//

3rd Person's POV

"Andrea! Baby, come here!" Percy said, trying to get his daughter, Andrea, to take a bath. "Nico! A little help here!"

Nico laughed as he saw the sight before him and switched off the tv. Andrea ran into his arms and he hugged her tightly.

"Now, now, Andrea. What did I say about listening to dad?" Nico reminded his adopted 4-year-old daughter.

She pouted and nodded before running back to Percy. He mouthed a 'thank you' to Nico before carrying Andrea to the bathroom.

After her bath, Percy and Nico put her to sleep in her small bed which was next to theirs. Nico took the duty of singing her a lullaby just because Percy's singing might scare her or cause an avalanche even though it was not winter time yet.

It was not long before, thanks to Nico's singing, Andrea was fast asleep.

"You'd make an awesome singer, Neeks." Percy complimented Nico in barely whisper, afraid of waking Andrea up.

"Why thank you." Nico chuckled, staring into Percy's eyes and leaning in slowly until their lips connected...

// THE END //

I guess this is it, ya'll. I will publish my end note for this story next so do read it! I seriously still can't believe it's the end. Oh well...

Now if you will excuse me, I would have to go cry in the corner of my room now...


~ Jan

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