Chapter 21

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Piper's POV

Nico and Percy are so cute! Aghhh! Sorry, my inner fangirl is showing. Nico called me up the other day and told me that Percy bought an apartment just for the two of them.

Like, how adorable is that?

It's also sweet how even though they quarrel over the smallest things sometimes, they are still very close and affectionate towards one another.

I guess Percy, Jason and Luke discussed something because all of us live near each other. Not that I'm complaining. I really don't want to lose contact with awesome friends too. Seeing them in person is better than just hearing their voice over the phone.

Ever since Percico moved in, though, they haven't had a housewarming party! Well, they should. Or even just invite me over. At least give me a little credit too, right?

I was the one who gave Nico advice about Percy! Haha...I'm joking...I'm not so uptight. And also if you were wondering, yes, I did give them a ship name called 'Percico'.

So call me! Call me! Call me! Miss Percico Fangirl! Applaud me for the Fifth Harmony reference! Sigh...I'm crazy.

In the end I just gave Nico a call.

N: Yo Pipes! How are ya doin?

P: Good! How's living with Percy?

N: It's so much fun, Piper! Oh, by the way, are you and Jason free today?

P: I'm pretty sure. Yea. Why?

N: Percy and I were thinking of inviting you guys over. The rest of the missing furniture came in yesterday and the house is now complete!

P: That's great! Be there in 10?

N: See you guys there!

After hanging up, I ran into the bedroom where Jason was using the play station.

"Jase! Nico is inviting us over! Hurry up and get ready!" I yelled, jumping up and down on the bed.

He laughed and switched off the play station to go get ready to meet Nico and Percy.

Jason's POV

I was really excited when Piper told me that we were going over to Percy and Nico's apartment. I would really want to see how their house looks like. Especially since Percy told me over the phone that he was an 'amazing' designer.

I highly doubt so but of course I will never tell him that.

After changing and grabbing our stuff to bring, we got in the car and I drove over to Nico and Percy's apartment which was about a 10 minute drive. Piper told me to call it the Percico household or whatever. That girl...

"Yo bro!" Percy greeted me with a brofist and gave Piper a brotherly hug. "So glad to see you guys!"

"Us too! Woah...your apartment is beautiful! Probably even better than ours!" Piper marvelled at the furniture and clapped her hands in glee. "You guys have a beautiful taste in designing. Unlike someone here..." Her voice trailed off and she shot me a glare.

I simply responded by scratching the back of my neck awkwardly and taking a seat on the couch. "So let's chat!"

Nico chuckled and sat down next to Percy on the opposite couch while Piper took a seat next to me.

We didn't even knew how long it took but we chatted, recounting memories from our college days, bursting into laughter when Nico talked about all of Percy's seaweed brain moments.

Then Piper got carried away and started talking about how Percy and Nico would make great fathers in the near future. They blushed a deep red and I had to calm Piper down from fangirling too much.

"Are your daughters going to be drama queens like Piper too?" Percy laughed, nudging Nico next to him.

Piper went silent and I could see her cheeks turning a light shade of pink.

"Well maybe." She said and I literally facepalmed, earning laughs from the three of them.

How I wished this moment would never end...

Ya'll must be wondering why my updates are quicker these days...well, CUZ IT'S THE HOLIDAYS!!! WOOHOOO!!!

So did you guys like this chapter? It was so much fun writing in Jason and Piper's POV!!! Also, I really can't thank you guys enough for supporting this story! ❤

If you guys have any thoughts for a cute scene or anything, feel free to tell me! :))

~ Jan

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