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"Alice was great today, she ate all of her snacks and lunch and had no trouble at all during nap time. She didn't have any accidents either," I said happily, looking over at Alice, a three year old who was enrolled in my daycare. Alice rested her head against her dad's shoulder and tightened her arms around the back of his neck as he held her in his arms.

"That's awesome, mommy's going to be so happy," Mr. Davids exclaimed as he squeezed Alice's side making her giggle.

I smiled softly at them as I watched them interact.

"Well I'll let you go get her stuff so you guys can get home," I said as I dismissed myself and walked over to the carpet that had toys all over the ground.

I've been working at Sunshine's Daycare Centre for the past three and a half years now. I gotten a position here after I was a student teacher here for my college program. I got along with the other teachers and centre employees and loved the children so much that I applied right away. I started off as a supply but found myself working in rooms amongst other teachers before I was finally given my own room. I had help from two or three other teachers but they had shorter shifts than me and I was the main person to plan activities, to inform parents of things and chose the layout of the room.

I said goodbye to Alice and her dad as they left, earning a wave from both of them.

Now I was the last person in the room.

I took my time as I cleaned up the toys that some children had left laying around, abandoned once they saw their loved ones were there to pick them up. Once the toys were cleaned up I then grabbed the dirty blankets and wash clothes that were collected from the day and left my room, walking down the hallway to the centre's back room.

The backroom held the washer and dryer along with shelves full of various things we all needed. I put the dirty laundry into the washer and turned it on before walking out of the backroom and across the hallway to go into the kitchen.

"Ah Eve," Diana's voice called causing my head to turn and look over in her direction.

Diana was the main cook for the centre. She prepared all the snacks and all the lunches for each room. The whole centre was split into ages so there was a room for infants, two rooms for toddlers, three rooms for preschoolers and two rooms upstairs for school-agers who came before or after school for a couple hours. With that many people she was always busy, plus she had to make sure anyone with dietary restrictions received food as well.

She was an amazing cook and was always nice to me.

"Lunch was terrific," I complimented as I walked over to the counter that was in the middle of the kitchen.

She smiled and thanked me as she continued cutting some carrots up. I grabbed one causing her to tsk me and smack my hand lightly.

"Spill," She demanded causing my eyebrows to furrow.

"What do you me-" I started saying but she cut me off before I could finish.

"You always compliment me when you come to ask me for advice or want to tell me something," She answered with a simple shrug as she cut the carrots with such ease.

I was always nervous cutting things so small. I'm so clumsy I would most likely miss and cut a finger off.

"Can't I just compliment you?" I asked innocently, watching as she stopped her actions and looked up at me with a raised eyebrow and a facial expression that clearly said 'Do I look stupid to you?'

I let out a sigh before giving in.

"Marybeth and I went out the other night. I thought we were going for dinner but instead we ended up at this rough bar full of big tough men who I think may have been bikers," I started off as I thought back to how many motorcycles I saw there that night and how much biker decorations and accessories were in the bar.

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