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"If your brother rushes me off to the hospital one more time for braxton hicks I'm going to kick him,"

I giggled at Alex's words as I watched her rub her big swollen belly. She was a couple days away from her due date and has been rushed to the hospital by my brother three times in the past two weeks because she was experiencing braxton hicks contractions.

"You can't really blame him. He's worried and excited," I offered to which she rolled her eyes at.

"Sure he's excited because he's not the one who has to push the thing out of his body. I thought he was on edge last month, now he's barely holding onto the edge of the cliff with only his pinky finger holding him up. He's making me feel so jumpy," She complained as she ate more chocolate covered in spray cheese. A disgusting combo but it's what the baby was craving.

"How are you feeling about going into labour at any second?" I asked her curiously as she watched me set up last minute decorations for the nursery.

Alex forced Christopher to go visit our dad for the day so she could have time away from him but he would only go if I came and stayed with her. So I came over and volunteered to help finish the baby's room while we caught up.

"Terrified. I mean I know it's going to be extremely painful so that's scary. I'm very excited for the baby though. I kind of regret wanting to keep the gender a surprise because the wait is killing me," She answered my question as she ran her hands through her mid length dark brown hair.

"Excited to be a mom?" I asked her happily as I finished placing the last package of diapers away in the closet.

"Nervous is more like it. What if I screw up? I don't want to be a shit parent," She rambled on, letting out all of her worries.

I listened to her go on about multiple what if's on being a bad parent. When she had finished I walked over to the rocking chair she was sitting in and kneeled down in front of her.

"Hey you're going to be an amazing mom! You've read all the books, taken multiple parenting classes and have babysat everyone who you know's kids. Plus you have me, your sister-in-law who takes care of children for a living," I reassured her. I truly believed she and Christopher were going to be amazing parents. Everyone had this fear of being horrible parents when they were preparing for a family but if they cared for and loved their child that was enough.

"Thank you," She smiled happily before we both tensed up when we heard the front door open downstairs.

"I brought pizza!" We both relaxed when we heard Marybeth's voice fill the house up.

"In the nursery," I yelled before I walked back over to the closet to put away the baby wipes.

"Okay so I've got one medium pineapple, sausage and pickles which by the way I was judged about when ordering and our regular," Marybeth informed us as she walked into the room holding two pizza boxes. Alex put the chocolate and can of spray cheese down on the small table next to her rocking chair before she happily took her pizza box from Marybeth.

"Well they should try growing a life in their body before judging the cravings you get from said life," Alex defended her toppings as she threw the lid of the box off and dug into her pizza.

Looking at her happily eating that pizza was a bit disgusting because of the toppings but I wasn't going to judge her because it was what the baby craved.

"Thanks for letting me come over. Flasher was driving me crazy, he wanted me to come sit at the bar with him for the whole day but I really didn't feel like it because I know that bitch will be there," An angry look appeared on Marybeth's face as she thought about that girl.

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