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It gonna get a bit dirty up in here but only a smidge.


Two weeks.

It has been two long, agonizing weeks since I last saw Lucifer. Two weeks since I've talked to him.

I honestly was annoyed by that. I mean just two weeks ago I came home to him organizing a search party for me when I had gone to see my family for half a day. It seemed hypocritical of him to then disappear to who knows where without a single word.

I tried to keep myself busy, keep my mind off of him but who am I kidding? He was constantly on my mind.

I hated how I was changing. I used to not even care if men ignored me or if they just disappeared randomly but now I did. Lucifer changed that careless part of me and I was annoyed.

I didn't want to be thinking about him. Wondering where he was, wondering if he was okay, wondering what he was doing. And who he was doing it with.

It hurt me thinking that he may have already got bored of me. That he may have already found someone who was better than me in every way.

Hell the woman would most likely now how to satisfy him better than I ever could.

I felt like the cliché girl in all the stories I read as a teenager. The girl who craved the high school bad boy's attention. I was just like her but I doubt I would happily end up like they do.

Marybeth knew I was down and she tried to cheer me up at first but eventually she gave up, joining my pity party, Flasher had disappeared too.

Her and I spent our free time together as we both tried to keep our minds of the boys that were always occupying them. It was hard, so hard, but we managed.

Luckily for her Flasher returned a few days ago, bringing a giant bouquet of flowers and whisking her off to her bedroom. They didn't leave the room for two days and I didn't take my headphones out the entire time.

Marybeth didn't want to rub it in my face that he had come home, she tried to tone down their happiness but that made me feel even more pathetic.

Flasher never told us where they went or where Lucifer was. He only told us they had to go out of town for club business and that he, Flasher, came back early. He tried to approach me to tell me something about Lucifer but I only cut him off with a shake of my head and a sad smile.

Lucifer made me feel so many things I've never felt before and that terrified me. What terrified me even more was that he was always going away or doing dangerous things for his club and he was never able to tell me. I know he wasn't allowed but it still hurt a little. He didn't even bother to let me know he was leaving.

Diana tried to talk sense into me at work. She would go on and on about how he was doing what he needed to do and that he would come back. That it was normal for the men to go on runs and that they eventually would return.

Would that mean I would always be waiting for him to come back? Always unknowingly waiting to see if he would or wouldn't?

As the two weeks slowly turned into three I grew angry.

He had pushed himself into my life, made me care about him and then left like he was never even here. That wasn't fair of him.

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