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Above is Alex with baby Grace^

Also because i disappeared this chapters a bit dirty ;)


"Stop hogging my daughter!"

"Your daughter? Oh right it's not like I just grew her inside of me before pushing her out," A scoff filled the room.

I rolled my eyes at the new parent's behaviours as I gently rocked Grace in my arms. She was only two days old and I couldn't get over how much she had impacted all of our lives already.

"Baby come on you know I didn't mean that," Christopher whined, grabbing Alex's hips and pulling her into his body. She sighed, before she pressed a kiss to his cheek and went back to getting her things together so that they could leave the hospital.

"Christopher you guys get to have her all day and everyday for the a long time," I pouted, not wanting to give him their daughter back. She was too cute to let go of.

Christopher rolled his eyes before he started helping Alex get their things together. I cooed quietly down at Grace who let out a big yawn, her arms waving around.

Once they had their things together I unwillingly put Grace into her carseat before I grabbed some of the things we, the family, got them to celebrate. Christopher gave me the keys to the car so that I could go put their things away while they signed some release papers. When they finally met me down at their car I quickly gave them both a hug goodbye before smothering Grace in kisses and got in my car. The last few days I had been off from work, spending most of my time in the hospital with Alex so I hadn't really been at the apartment unless it was to shower, sleep or eat.

I let myself get lost in my thoughts, thinking over the past few days as I made my way home.

Lucifer and I hadn't seen each other in a couple days and I missed him. We talked on the phone a few times but lately he's been really busy with some club business.

Whenever he mentioned club business I felt nervous. Although he didn't tell me anything at all, I still knew how dangerous it was and that scared me. I hated not knowing if he would be okay or if he was doing something terrible.

As I walked upstairs to my apartment I thought about my dad and how he knew I was seeing someone. It was only a matter of time before I would have to introduce them all and that scared the absolute crap out of me. I knew it wouldn't go well, my family was too overprotective to accept a man I was seeing with open arms. I also knew they wouldn't approve of him, and that made my stomach clench tightly. I wanted, well more like needed, their acceptance of our relationship because even though I was scared of the future's uncertainty when it came to Lucifer and I, I was more scared of not having him in my life.

Opening my door I immediately let out a surprised scream.

Marybeth was on the counter, only covered by a big t-shirt while Flasher was in front of her, with his pants around his ankles.

"Fuck!" Marybeth shrieked as Flasher swore loudly before they scrambled away from each other. I spun around, closing the apartment door and staring at it with wide eyes as I heard their heavy breathing behind me as well as rustling of clothing.

"Oh my god," I whispered in shock, rubbing my hands over my face, trying to rub the image of my best friend having sex on our countertop out of my eyes.

"Evie we're covered, you can turn around now," Marybeth's voice was full of embarrassment and I only shook my head. I took a deep breath before turning to look at them. Marybeth's face was dark red as she tried to pull the shirt down to cover more of her legs while Flasher scratched the back of his head.

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