XV. Sonic the Hedgehog

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I didn't see the girl when the building gave way. I saw my whole life flash before my eyes. I saw Tails. Yeah, yeah, I know, I keep going on and on about Tails. But you'd do the same for your best bud, too.

"This way!" I said, grabbing her hand and making a run down a hall. But we came to a dead end. Seriously, this place was obsessed with dead ends and endless hallways!

Panicked and with seriously nothing else to do, I grabbed her, rolling up into a protective ball that would keep her completely unharmed, and waited. The competing blasts got louder and louder, until everything around us exploded.

The girl and Mr. Buttercup were safe.

I went flying.

I didn't land too far away from the destroyed building, but I started to unravel just a bit in mid air. I hit my head on a metal sign of some sort, and things started to spin.

I opened my eyes to Mr. Buttercup in my face telling me to get better, which I could only hope wasn't a hallucination. I sat up slowly, rubbing my head. "How long was I out...?" My words were a slurred mess, but probably not too much for a seven year old.

"Not very long." The girl pretended like Mr. Buttercup (who I now knew was a pony) was talking.

I looked up and saw the building and remembered what had happened; the flames reminded me. Working for Slade and the horrors he brought were hard to forget. "We have to find your dad." I said, picking the girl up and taking her towards the building, where there were people gathered.

I was surprised that Slade hadn't killed me for risking my life for a little child. Maybe it was all a test and he would punish me later. But I couldn't help it. The girl and Mr. Buttercup were more innocent than anyone that worked in the building. Well, okay, I don't know about Mr. Buttercup. He might have a history.

As soon as I went near the crowd, I realized something was missing.

I couldn't spot Terra.

"Go find your dad. Go on!" I said, pushing her toward the crowd of people watching the blast. I called for Terra, but I couldn't find her. She wasn't waiting for me. There was only one thing my conscious would let me do.

I had to go back inside the building that was about to blast into even more pieces.

The entrance was barely holding, so I ran as fast as I could through the opening hallway. It decided to give way after I went through it, so that wouldn't be my exit. "Terra!" I called. "Where are you?!"

She wouldn't answer. She could be down any hallway. My heart pounded against my chest. She wasn't just my key to Tails. She was a good friend. And I wasn't about to lose her too.

I went through where the first bomb went off. There was nothing left. Just a few bricks to cover the opening to the outside.

However, the second, when I called for Terra, I heard a response. I ran faster. I was scared. I didn't know what I was going to see. Was she going to be okay? Or had she been caught in the blast and been injured? I didn't care what Slade thought; nobody in or around the building was going to die.

The bomb had fifty seconds left until it went off.

"I thought all the bombs were synchronized!" I yelled.

"I did too!" She shouted. It didn't really sound like her. "But..." It kind of looked like she was holding something.

"Is that...?!" I backed up. Beast Boy was in her arms.

"I found him trying to disarm the bomb. Something fell on him." She sounded far more serious than usual.

"How do we get out of here?!" I screamed. "We have to save him!"

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